[themify_quote]The product(s) mentioned in this post were provided either free of charge or at a discounted rate in exchange for my voluntary review. All opinions expressed are 100% my own and do not reflect those of the brand or anyone else.[/themify_quote]
It was a whole new concept for me since the only reverse ones I had ever seen was when the wind caught it. The Dryzle Auto Open Reverse Umbrella is available in fifteen different color choices. I chose the Pink Daisy and let me tell you it is simply a beautiful umbrella. If they can be considered beautiful.
Doesn’t it remind you of a dress? You know one of those twirly ones that little girls love to wear. That is what this umbrella reminds me so much of and I think that is one of the reasons I love it as much as I do. As you can tell from the pic, when they say reverse that is what they mean. This umbrella opens and closes in reverse. So when it is raining the water closes inside rather than coming down all over you. I hate when that happens.
The easy auto open makes this a must have! If you are getting out of your car all you have to do is push the button and the umbrella opens up all the way. I did this hundreds of times over and over again to test if this button ever sticks. I can tell you that it did not. Even though we haven’t gotten rain yet so that I could use it in a downpour I honestly can’t wait! On a side note, I need a tan!! Can you say marshmallow?
This handle is another thing to love. I can hook it on my wrist or the stroller. I can even hook it on the shopping cart in stores. Another great thing is if my hands are full I can hook a couple of bags over this handle and then hold the umbrella and bags at the same time.
The top side of the umbrella is a plain old black but that is perfectly alright for me. After all no one ever sees it and I could care less. I like the black because a lot of the stains that my umbrellas always manage to get can’t really be seen.
It is the inside or underside that is the best. This one has a beautiful pink daisy so that when I look up I get a little piece of beauty. I love this and I may have twirled this puppy way more than I should have. It is a large umbrella that will easily allow two people (three if they are small) under it with no one ended up soaked.
Taking a picture and holding the umbrella was a lot harder than it looks! What a view though right?
I love that this umbrella goes in reverse. I usually don’t use umbrellas because I get more wet putting them away than I do when not using one so this might be worth it for me.