When I first began working from home I never dreamed I would be able to support my family on it. I thought I would make a little extra money and that was all. I did it mostly to give myself something to do. Once I began to make a little money I started searching for ways to make a steadier income.

One of the ways I make money online is through affiliate marketing. You know when you read one of my articles and it says there are affiliate links? Well, that means I may earn a little bit if you click the link. Typically you have to purchase something in order for me to earn. I do alright but right form the beginning I knew this was going to be only a small portion of my online income.

Another way to earn an online income is through all of the different apps out there. I’m talking apps for driving, shopping for people, etc. There are a lot of them and although I have never earned any money through them they can be lucrative. I have used some of the reward sites in the past. You know where if you shop through them you earn cash back. The problem with those for me is that I forget to use them sometimes. Especially when I log straight into the store I want.

For me I earn an online income through not only my blog (ads, sponsored posts, etc) but by being an assistant or consultant. What does that mean? For example for my brother’s company I handle the online sales. Each day I process the online sales and make sure that the orders are being sent out. It’s a couple of hours of work total. There are certain days where it takes a little longer but for the most part it’s pretty simple. I work with an author as her assistant and I keep her calendar up to date, make sure she is meeting her deadlines, and other stuff. It depends on what she needs week to week. I have worked as a consultant on some projects in the past. Those typically involved much more work.
One thing I did learn was that a consultant salary was much larger than an assistant salary. I learned that when I was asked to be a consultant and my salary for that year was double what I was making as an assistant. I ultimately went back to being just an assistant. Although the money is not as much I have more time which is much more valuable to me anyway. I do make enough to pay the bills and live within our means. That is one of the big decisions that you have to make. What are you willing to sacrifice in the big picture in order to make earning money online worth it. For me, I don’t mind hard work, or working seven days a week but I will not compromise my family time. Every person or brand I work for are made aware of that from the onset. Here is one good example you can check out on how they make money online by selling wallets for men.