
If you enjoy being outside, you probably know that embarking on expeditions unprepared doesn’t always end well. According to Mary Donahue’s website, the main cause of injury and death is unpreparedness, not what the death certificate usually says.
Having the appropriate outdoor gear might mean the difference between having fun and having a bad time. Though different activities like hiking, camping, mountain climbing, etc., have their own set of requirements and equipment, there are common gears that are essential for any outdoor excursion.
Most adventurers agree that having a tent to rest, conceal, and sleep in is the most fundamental gear to have. As you know, tents can protect you from inclement weather conditions, provide a home away from home, and even assist with cooking during rainstorms.
So, choose a high-quality tent to minimise easy tears and leaks. You have to ensure that you have enough space. Not only does it give you comfort, but it also helps you wake up energised for a critical day ahead.
Sleeping Bag/Mat
Another way to experience optimum sleep is through self-inflating mats or sleeping bags. Being able to sleep well is especially vital for trips. So, invest in a good sleeping bag that is appropriate for the environment and the temperature of the relevant place, whether warm or cold.
Compasses, unlike GPS, do not require batteries to operate. It also keeps you more alert and makes traversing your map easier.
Moreover, they’re also safer than GPS because they won’t cease to operate and can be handy in the middle of nowhere. As a result, you’ll ensure that even in rainy weather or other inclement conditions, you have proper navigation and a safer trip.
It’s critical to be able to move and operate efficiently in the dark during adventures. Yes, it’s great to have a torch, but it discourages you from using both your hands for safety. So, what you need is to bring a bright headlamp and plenty of batteries with you. Therefore, you can do things like cooking, setting up camp, and carrying items efficiently and effectively.
Even with matches and wood, building a fire in a wet and cold atmosphere is difficult. Portable stoves aren’t just useful for keeping warm and cooking meals, but they are also safer and save you time and energy spent gathering and preparing fuel.
Moreover, they’re also compact and light, making them easy to transport.
Hatchets are the most crucial survival equipment for travellers because of their many uses. For instance, during trips, they assist you with self-defence, cutting wood, cleaning fish or wildlife, building a shelter, and a variety of other tasks.
A friendly piece of advice for new adventurers is to choose a hatchet that weighs less than a pound and has a good sharp blade. Thus, ensuring efficiency in use and transport.
Dry Bag
As the name suggests, dry bags are great storage to keep all your things dry. Plus, they cater to a wide range of activities. So, they can be reused later for other outdoor activities.
You need not worry about harsh weather conditions now since you have the perfect outdoor gear for your important things. Now that you know what you’ll need on an expedition, attempt to stock up on these items to ensure a safe and delightful experience. Of course, you can opt to carry more equipment with you, along with the proper mindset and preparation.
