Drunk driving is a criminal offense that a person can be charged with when caught driving under the influence of drugs, alcohol, and other illegal substances or prescription medicine. In New York, drunk driving offenses are often referred to as
- DWI (driving while intoxicated)
- DUI (driving under the influence)
New York is very strict when it comes to maintaining law and order in the state. The offender can be charged with jail time in accordance with the offense, suspension, or revoking of the driver’s license for a period depending upon the severity of the crime, house arrest, and/or a mandatory fine which sums up to a whole lot of money. You may be wondering, how much does a DUI cost in Newyork? Don’t worry, as all the information is discussed below:
Blood alcohol concentration (BAC)
Drinking is still considered drinking, whether you do it in small amounts or If the blood alcohol concentration of an individual while driving is 0.08% or above, the individual is legally deemed as intoxicated or impaired. (With a BAC level above 0.00%, a person can still be subjected to an arrest or investigation)
Penalties and costs of a DUI conviction
Residents of New York might not be aware of the costly punishments and fines that the government can charge a DUI convict with.
A first-time conviction includes:
- Suspension of driver’s license for at least six months.
- Jail time for up to a year.
- An amount of fine anywhere between $500 to $1,000
- A second-time conviction can increase the jail time to 4 years in prison and the fine of $1,000 – $5,000
- A third-time conviction can consequently increase all penalties significantly with 7 years in prison and a fine of $2,000 – $10,000.
- While underage drivers committing the DUI offense can be subjected to a $125 civil penalty with a $100 fine and a six-month driver’s license suspension.
- A chemical test refusal can cost the offender a civil penalty of $500 and revoking of the license
Additional charges:
The total cost hence includes additional charges such as:
- Impound fee (depends upon the cause of the vehicle’s removal)
- Court fee
- Fee for re-issuing a license
- The cost of a lawyer needed to represent the offender in court (Mostly ranges from $2000-$10,000 but can vary due to the severity of the offense)
- In case of alcohol offenses, the fine ranges from $300-$10,000
Effect of a DUI on insurance premium:
Trying to hide a DUI from an insurance company will not put a stop to the increase in the insurance rate. The company will eventually find out about it, whether it be through reviewing your driving history and contacting the DMV or by other legal methods. In New York, driving while intoxicated (DWI) conviction can increase the insurance rate by 76%.
Rehab centers:
After being charged with a DWI conviction, the court can order the offender to attend the drug or alcohol rehabilitation classes, and rightfully so.
The offender will be entirely responsible for the expenses of these sessions. These classes include substance abuse treatment and other restorative and curative interventions that may prove fruitful in resolving the condition of frequent substance abuse. (These classes can cost anywhere from $50 up to $200 approximately, per session)
Last Word
Driving under the influence of intoxicating substances is not only dangerous for one’s own life, but it also endangers other people’s lives. Being irresponsible can have consequences, including never-ending fines and a threat to one’s life. Every individual should consider these dangers before committing such acts.