I am LOVING Evolve Fit Wear! If you are not familiar with the brand they are a yoga clothing company who not only carries the good stuff, as they put it, they also want you to look sexy in your yoga wear. What other company can say that to you? As you all know I love yoga clothing because not only am I am to work out in it but many pieces can actually be worn day-to-day and since I work at home I like to be comfortable.
I received this amazing Loungewear Pullover in XL and I must tell you that when I took it out of the package I was not sure it would actually fit me. Then I put it on and I fell in head over heels love! This is a lightweight pull-over and while someone my size wouldn’t normally wear strips I think they are what makes this so great. Since it isn’t heavy I can wear it now around the house or even as a cover at the pool. I also wear it as a cover when I leave the YMCA.
I was thinking that I would get myself a great pair of leggings to go with this and I would have a great work outfit. Even now int he summer since I keep the air so low we usually need a sweater or long sleeves. To be honest this is actually the first long sleeve anything (other than a sweater or jacket) that I have worn in a long time. I just don’t like them very much. that is why I was so amazed at this.
Now I have machined washed it on the delicate cycle and laid it flat to dry just because I didn’t want to worry about it shrinking at all. I am not a bit fan of the dryer so I do this with a lot of clothing and it has no reflection on the clothing itself. Evolve Fir Wear has an amazing products and I having been making a list so I can share it with my family for Christmas. I want to make sure I am getting all the things I want! Not to mention there are many pieces that I think would be great for teens and they have men’s items as well. So there is something for everyone!
I love that this is lightweight. Great pull over for fall weather. I am really digging the Purusha People Organic Mermaid II Leggings. These look so comfy to wear.
I could use some stylish comfy clothing like this for weekends. I’m not really a jeans and tee girl but you can’t wear dresses all the time, so I struggle with what to wear just lounging around on the weekends.
I love the long length of this shirt, I seem to have a hard time finding longer shirts.
I love the length of it and it does look very comfortable; would be a great fall sweater for sure
I think this is so cute! I would totally wear it with leggings. I think it looks great on you also!
I like the Glider Mantra Crop in Emerald. Not sure if the color charts are exactly right because these look turqoise and not “green’ of Emerald color? I like the simpler tops too. I need to start doing PT again and need some new clothes. These are certainly not cheap but looks like the Quality is really good. The Alo Yoga Harbor jacket is so darling, so cozy looking and so usable for any day around here INDOORS for winter or for fall outdoor.