As most of you all know Edgar and I have been going through so much. There are times when I feel like things are going so well then a small thing will happen that sets us back. Through everything we always return to one another. I hope it’s because we truly love one another. In a recent discussion with my sister in-law, she made the comment that she doesn’t believe that God says here is this person for you. I disagreed with her and here’s why:
I waited til much later before I finally found that perfect person and I honestly believe that God brought Edgar and I together. We lived for years in the same town, never meeting, later moved to the same small town never meeting until things just sort of came together at the right moment. My theory is that for every man God creates a woman (you know the whole rib from a man thing) and that we recognize ourselves in each other. Now before you all think I’m crazy the way my sister in-law did, let me ask you to do one thing. Explain why you love your spouse.
I mean when you take away the he’s a good provider, great father, all of those things, why do you love him? You can’t can you? My thoughts are there is no reason that love just simply is. You can’t explain and I don’t think we are meant to. I think we simply recognize a part of ourselves in our spouse. That’s why I believe that through all the craziness Edgar and I always come back to one another. We are somehow bound to each other on a different level.
My husband and I have been through so many trails and tribulations, we've hit "rock bottom" many times, and have only come through it stronger because I really do think we aren't meant to be together, because being with me makes him a better man and being with him makes me a stronger woman. God knows who we are (even when we don't) and knows what we need (also, when we rarely know ourselves) and he provides us with our other half.
I believe that too Jessica. There have been times and some recently when I feel like God just doesn't want us together but then everything works. We hit rock bottom alot this year so far but still are hanging on.