Last night we were watching The Polar Express. It has become a new holiday favorite and I like it more than some of the other newer holidays shows.
At one point in the movie the Conductor (I think it was the Conductor) says something about the true meaning is Christmas lying within the human heart. I am paraphrasing but it made me think about faith and it suddenly became clear:
The true spirit of God lies within the human heart.
It sounds so simple and easy doesn’t it. It is true though if you think about it. The spirit of God lies within our hearts. We don’t have to look any further than within ourselves to see God. I am making a vow to live each and every day with this new understanding.
I absolutely adore this movie!! We didn’t watch it last night but we do have it on DVD. I couldn’t agree with you more with your quote above. Yes, the true spirit of God lies in the human heart.
We watch it several times too.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this movie. Me and my kids watch it at least 3 times every Christmas and it makes me cry every single time because of the spirit of Christmas living in the child forever. Such a beautiful story!
It is a beautiful story
I love that this movie addresses the question of belief in Santa. My oldest is starting to question but still believes. This movie helps to reaffirm her faith in Santa.
It can be hard when they get older. I saw a wonderful letter on Pinterest that addresses this. I will have to remember to share it with all of you.
I agree. I’ve been making a commitment each day to do a particular act of kindness each day for the last almost three weeks. Some are tangible things, others were acts. Some cost money, some didn’t. Today I said I was going to make sure I was kind to everyone. Like you said with your faith quote – seems simple, but I’m surprised when I consciously pay attention how often I let negative, unkind thoughts and actions in.
I was at the market and an elderly German lady was there. She wanted to talk and talk. I patiently and without becoming distracted had a conversation with her. Whatever else I had to do could be done later. It was about human connection, and that’s the spirit of the human heart in a very pure form. It felt good to be present in the present with her.
I bet she enjoyed the conversation too. You never know she may have been an angel in disguise.
I’ve only seen clips of this movie but someday hope to watch it or better yet, own it on DVD. I think it is how we view things and I’m doing better with my “attitude adjustment” on gratitude. I think we can find deeper meaning in most everything, even a children’s movie, if we take the time and reflect on our blessings.
I think you are right Deb. Blessings can be found in everyday things all the time.
I loved this money when we went to see it at the show, then when it came out we purchased it, it is also one one our favourite Christmas movies that we watch every year along with my all time favourite, favourite movie “It’s A Wonderful Life”. have a great day!
I can’t wait til It’s a Wonderful Life comes on. I love it.
I love the Polar Express movie. I can’t wait to have movie night with my boys and watch it again. It really does have so much in faith and teaches so much.
It does and I love that it shares such a wonderful message about Christmas.
I love this movie it is a classic.
I agree!
We love this movie! It is one of those movies that you can watch over and over. You always walk away from it with a new understanding. I agree with you 100% about God being in your heart. I have always told my kids that it doesn’t make a difference where you pray to God or how often you attend mass. The most important thing is to just talk to God, when and where it is right for you.
My dad use to tell us that as well.
We have only seen this once and I know the younger kids, who are teens now would probably get MORE out of it now. I agree with Wendy, being Godly is sometimes just being HUMAN. Too often we are rushed and fail to recognize the “art” of communication, compassion and empathy that SHOULD be natural. It really and truly scares me that the new generations dont know how to communicate…even to talk to their grandparents without the aid of a technical item. Sorry, got away from the movie but talk about communication and Godliness…What Would Jesus Do gets me so up.
I know what you mean. When we have family gatherings there is 1 rule…no technical devices at all allowed. Those teens would stay on there all day and never mumble a word.
That has become one of my favorites too. It took me several times to really like it though. Of the subject but do you watch Elf? It is another that took several viewings, but it has me cracking up every time I watch it. I love the adaptation of the line that you have chosen. I find things like that really help to keep me grounded.
They do me as well. I love ELF too. It cracks me up as well
That is such a great movie, my 4 year old has not seen it yet I think this year he would love to watch it. I think we have to make a conscious effort to be more like God. It doesn’t always come naturally but we should strive to be more like God.
He would love it especially the train. I try to be as Godly as I can but I know there are days when I fail.
I have never seen this movie. I am always looking for a good movie to add to my holiday favorites. I especially love it when a holiday movie isn’t afraid to speak of God. It is true, God is a Christmas.
Diana C
You will love this movie!
I remember watching this movie in the theaters when in first came out, I don’t remember much. But I completely agree with this quote. Thank you so much for sharing this.
I have always been a fan of this movie and now i know why. I also have got my children into watching it. Very nice!