Well since I am not going to be watching Outlander today I thought I would get a little work done and then I thought that maybe since you all would be suffering right along with me maybe something fun for all of you would be nice. Actually after getting my work done today I am going to head out and spend a little time hiking on the mountain. The weather here is so super nice today and I really can’t help myself!
I hope that the weather is just as nice where you are and that you are all getting to take a little time and do something you enjoy. For me, it has been a long time since I have done the things that I wanted and I enjoyed without having to worry about what my spouse thought of them. Now the kids and I are happily making our own lives and we are thrilled to be free in what we do. Now on to the giveaway!
How about some PayPal cash? Who couldn’t use a little extra cash right now since Christmas is literally right around the corner! So we are giving away $300 PayPal Cash!! The giveaway is open Worldwide so be sure to enter below!
Oh and for those that love Outlander but haven’t read the books yet…..stay tuned because I will be giving those away as well soon! Also you can find More international giveaways at: www.osvojito.com
I’ve never watched Outlander..what am I missing..lol
This would help my family out in paying a few bills, good luck everyone and have a great day..
I could use this money for the holidays; Thank you for the chance to win 🙂
I have to say I’m really glad I found your blog. I really enjoy reading your posts and getting your newsletters with the prayer requests and interesting articles. I always look forward to your new posts. I can tell you work really hard on creating an interesting and informative blog. So thank you for all the time you spend on it for us.
This would be wonderful for Christmas! Rita, your blog rocks!
Since the holidays are just around the corner, this prize certainly would come in handy. My twenty-one year is already dropping hints that he would love the Playstation 4 game console. I have been putting a little back, however, every year, I promise myself that I will begin saving for the holidays in January, never happens though. Maybe this could be my New Years resolution for 2015? 🙂
With Christmas right around the corner, this is an amazing opportunity! Thanks so much for your generosity!
We finally have a real cool front here,so I am finally beginning to think about Fall. i love this time of year! And. of course, a little extra cash would be soooo nice!
Thank you for the chance to win; we have both needs and wants this would be helpful for.
This is such a beautiful time of year! We’ve been enjoying lots of time outdoors. This money would be so helpful for Christmas and buying my grandsons presents this year.
Thanks for the giveaway! Fall is such a gorgeous time of the year with all the leaves turning colour. I love the scents of fall: apple, cinnamon, pumpkin etc.
Thank you for the great giveaway! I would use the money to buy Christmas gifts
I would buy winter clothes for my kids if I won. Thank you!
I haven’t watched Outlander yet, but I’ve heard good things about it. Thank you for this generous giveaway – who couldn’t use extra money with the holidays coming?
Would love to send this straight to my credit card company!
This would be wonderful….we would use towards our Thanksgiving holiday to go up North and experience a bit of Fall.
going hiking sounds fun. I try to get out all I can esp while the last bit of warm weather is still around.
We just bought a house in July and it seems I’m always “needing” something for the house, it’s unending. This would certainly lighten the load, thanks!
i love this fall weather for hiking, we’re planning to go out tomorrow afternoon
This is a great giveaway that would go for Christmas for the kids if I won. Thanks for the chance.
It is beautiful here today as well but I only got outside for a few moments with the dogs. I hope tomorrow is just a pretty because would love to go and work in my flower beds! I hope your week as just as nice as today was.
Thank you for the great giveaway! 🙂 Its always a stressful hard time of year and along with yourself and others will make some person very happy.
Enjoy the weekend!!
Wow! Thank you for being so kind and generous. You know how much I enjoy your blog. You give such honest and realistic reviews. That is just a couple of reasons I enjoy your blog so much. Plus your passion for writing shows through in your blog posts. Your the best!
I have watched Outlander a couple of times before, but I’ve not had the chance to read the books yet!
If I were to win this giveaway, it would allow me to go ahead & get some Christmas Gifts for my kids or get lots of good ingredients to make some of the meals that I’ve seen & wanted to try!
Oh I have been enjoying some quiet time during the mornings getting some shopping done all by myself! 🙂 And..taking my dog for a long walk! So peaceful!
It would be great to have this during the upcoming holiday season! It would take a lot of stress away 😉
I’ve not even heard of Outlander (yes, I might live in a bubble) but now I’m intrigued and may have to read the books.
If I were to win, I would put this towards our Christmas budget. I think it would cover everything for our kids and families, well most of it anyway. 🙂
Paypal is great! This will help pay for educational loans!
Thank you for the giveaway! The money would be just in time for Christmas gifts!
I love fall, it is my favorite season.
I love your blog and appreciate the work you put into it!
absolutely amazing giveaway.. you have one of my favorite blogs… and this just cements that statement..thank you so much for the amazing giveaway.. that would take care of a lot of Christmas presents.
Nice giveaway 🙂
Thanks for this great giveaway! Cheers and have a great day!
I think its generous of you to put this kind of giveaway for those who really would use prize on something they need or someone of their closest persons in life.So I am hoping, its meant to be me 🙂
Great givaway! I love your reviews!
This would help us pay off some of our debt!
Yesterday I made first shopping on eBay and this gift would be perfect for further shopping. 🙂
I’m going home to see family this weekend, so exciting! After being sick, it definitely is something nice 🙂
Thanks for this awesome giveaway. If I win, I’d use it to buy something nice for my hubby and also for the dogs! I have eight dogs, including three rescues who would love to have some new treats and toys! Thanks for the chance to win!!!
It would be a blessing to win this prize pack, perfect for holiday shopping, lots of smiles on the way. Thank you for sharing with us.
You have a great blog. I love the giveaways and reading the items you post.
This would be handy and useful for Christmas. I would get a new winter coat for me too.
I would love to see you review things like Yeti coolers, shark vacuums and various bakeware.
You have a wonderful blog. I enjoy the reviews, giveaways, and daily life posts. Thank you for doing what you do everyday without fail!
This would be wonderful to win. I have a friend coming for Christmas whose husband has passed away this year. She has no other family unfortunately and I did not want her to spend it alone. We don’t have a lot when it comes to celebrating holidays and I would use the Paypal cash to make a nice Christmas for her.
What a generous giveaway! I would put this toward Chistmas! Thanks for the chance.
Hiking sounds like a great way to spend the day. I’m wishing for a few more days of summer to enjoy the outdoors before I freeze.
Wow, this would make A LOT of gifts, especially for Christmas! 🙂
Thank you for this amazing opportunity. I have not watched Outlander, but I’ve heard so many good things about it, that I’m tempted to start soon!
Hi Rita. If I win, can you give me a week. I’m taking a online hiatus, as I am on too much and need to take a online breather. I will reply. Just too great a prize to miss out on !!!
This win would allow me to make Christmas just a little bit better for an adopted “big sister” who has breast cancer and no family in the area. She will be sharing the holidays among friends. This win would go toward making her holidays just a little easier.
I have 5 sons, and Christmas time is always so stressful for me trying to make sure we have a good family time, good food, no fighting, plus getting the boys the couple things they really really want. This would be amazing, and would take a huge weight of my shoulder should I be lucky enough to win. Thank you very much for the chance!
We are having some beautiful fall weather and maybe it will stay that way for a while so I can play some outdoor activities.
My lil’ grand daughter turned 3 yesterday Party today. Hoping I can join for dinner. <3. Wow they grow up so fast and are so much fun!
Thanks for the chance! This would be a huge help with the holiday’s coming up.
I am wishing you a Spooky-Magical Halloween 😉
If I happen to win this awesome giveaway – it would mean that I can start planning my way to England ♥
Thanks for this chance to win some serious cash. I’ve got my eyes on the new Apple iPad Air 2, so this would help a lot!
The weather here has been rainy unfortunately 🙁 Hoping for a nice day to enjoy my hike tomorrow!
Appreciate all your time and hard work Rita! This would come in so handy with Christmas coming And I dont know what it is about the month of march because our family (cousins Aunts etc) has 12 birthdays in Dec too.
My meaningful comment is… I have been enjoying a BEAUTIFUL day off work and school! Weather couldn’t be nicer and WOW, I found your giveaway! What could be finer? Thanks so much. 😀
i would pay my grandmas rent up for her and take some of the stress of my husband by paying a few bills hope i win fingers crossed
This could be an answer to a prayer….and this comment is literally “full of meaning”. You have no idea – (nobody does).
Today was my daughters 22nd bday. Her golden bday. She got a promise ring! So excited for her. Great guy too. sigh…young love…
Winning $300 would really help out in our house. We are both not working now and essentially do not have an income.
Outlander book just arrived from Book Depository yesterday. I’m thrilled!
We have colder weather here now, so I am doing a few indoor projects! Enjoy reading the posts!
A little extra money for holiday shopping would be wonderful. OR I might use it to help with my Pinterest craft addiction. 🙂
This would really come in handy for Christmas. Thank you! 🙂
This is a very generous giveaway. I would really like to purchase a washer and dryer before winter sets in so that I don’t have to trudge out in the snow with all of my laundry baskets.
What a great giveaway! I could really use this to get my sisters christmas gifts. Thanks for the opportunity!
First I would love to say Thanks for having and hosting such an awesome giveaway for us.. I know so many like me at this time of year who could really use something so wonderful as this.. I know for myself with eight grandchildren to buy for the holidays , it can be a bit stressful not just on me but hubby, both of us being out of work and living on one paycheck , yes its touch…. Anyway, thanks for the chance and good luck to all.. @tisonlyme143
I would love to go for a hike today. Such a beautiful time of the year! This $300 would help fill the gas tank so I could take a drive out to our property in the country. It’s 2.5 hour drive, but totally worth it.
You are amazing! Just thought you should know. 🙂 Hope you have a great Halloween weekend!
I have never watched Outlander. I hope you had a nice hike. My brother moved to Utah so he can go hike whenever he wants!
Such a generous giveaway! I would love to use this for Christmas gifts!
Thank you for the giveaway this is just in time for Christmas season 🙂
Thanks for the awesome giveaway! This would really help with a few things.
Thanks for putting this giveaway together!