Grand Prize:
This Flourishing Life and Generations Of Savings are each hosting grand prize giveaways on their blogs. They are featuring winter and holiday themed prizes for all ages, totaling $650+. Head on over to their sites to enter!
I love winter so much and have been racking my brain as to what to offer as a prize. So I came up with (what I hope) is a great gift. It’s $100 to spend on any of the winter or holiday items that you need. Enter for your chance to win below and be sure to enter some of the other great giveaways too.
Disclaimer: Please note that the Fall Into Winter hosts and participating bloggers are not responsible for sponsors that do not fulfill their prize, but we will make every effort to help the winner in obtaining it.
getting to wear my beautiful and stylish sweaters
I love flannel pjs and walks outside in the snow
The holidays, and the possibility of snow!
Decorating the house and all the holidays to bring the family together
Cooler days.
I love the chance of snow, the holidays, the clothes, even the cold weather. Winter and fall are my favorite times of year.
snuggling by the fireplace drinking hot chocolate
I love winter because my hubby is a carpenter and he gets to slow down a bit.
I like coming to warm and cosy home after frosty walking and drinking hot tea most of all:)
Being able to stay cozy indoors.
I love being able to wear cozy sweaters and scarves!
I love the cold weather and cooking in my crock pot!
I love staying inside with a warm fire going while sipping on hot chocolate cuddling with my hubby as we watch a movie.
I love the cool weather
I love a day of snowboarding followed by a hot chocolate with little marshmallows.
Cuddling with my hubby watching a movie while sipping on hot chocolate.
I love being outside in the snow and going sledding with my grandsons!
I love wearing warm sweaters.
i love the snow
I love the quiet after a heavy snow!
I like cuddling up with my family watching movies.
I love the winter because then I can use my fireplace
I love it being cold and snow!!!
I love the cold weather!
I love no school and sleeping in
I love watching my son and dogs play in the snow.
I like getting warm in front of the fireplace.
I really love snow. I also love sitting inside near a warm fireplace, reading and drinking some hot cocoa, while it’s really cold outside.
I enjoy the cooler weather and the holiday festivities!
I love cozying up with a blanket and a good book on the couch while the wood stove is crackling!
I love the snow before any cars/people have run through it – and I love being able to have the fireplace going!
a light snow.
tarter95 at hotmail dot com
I love the family and friend holiday get togethers and wrapping my kids presents on Christmas eve!
I love the holidays and cooler weather.
Winter sports!
I love a fresh snow and how pretty it looks.
The Holidays and wearing cozy clothing!
Walking in the new fallen snow
I love being in the nice warm house lounging around with the family watching movies.
Thanks so much for the chance to win!!!
I love the change in weather and the prospect of snow.
I love figure skating in the winter.
Holidays, fleece, hot chocolate, and a fire!
I actually really hate the winter =( but the one thing I like is cuddling up with a blanket and some yummy hot coffee!
Hot chocolate and going to christmas tree lightings and the waiting and hoping for snow
I love winter because i love to make snow mans.
i love the holidays! but could do without the snow lol
no spiders and bugs
My allergies are better during the winter!
Cross country skiing
Bud Lisa samson – RC form name
the weather
What I love about Winter is the season itself. The snow, the baking, the fire and warmth in the house. To be such a cold season, its cozy.
I love the crisp air of winter
love the snow debbie jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
I love being a snuggled up on the couch and watching it snow.
I love drinking (spiked) hot chocolate in front of the fire.
acartwrightmorell at gmail dot com
I love cross country skiing in the fresh snow
I love how gorgeous it is when it’s snowing 🙂
I love the Snow, building snowmen and drinking Hot Chocolate, roasting marshmallows with my little ones!
What I love about winter is when it snows and school is canceled (yes, even in college.)
I love the cool weather.
sledding with my daughter
I love the cooler weather that winter brings (and Christmas Vacation that my husband gets as a teacher)
Snowboarding , decorating & shopping!
I love sweaters!
I like sledding
Going sledding with the kids
i love the snow
I love making snowmen with my daughter
I entered Generation of Savings’ Fall into Winter Giveaway Hop Prize Pack #4
I love Christmas and spending time with my family on the Holidays.
I actually like that it gets dark really early in the winter.
Honestly, there’s nothing I like about winter. I’d like to spend it in a tropical climate if I could!
I love hot chocolate and playing in the snow with my kids. Thanks for the awesome giveaway 🙂
fattybumpkins at yahoo dot com
Christmas is my favorite part of winter.
I really love the cool weather. I’m not fond of the heat at all. I also like to do tons of holiday baking during this time of year. (Nikki Marie on rafflecopter)
The snow!
i love watching the snow fall!
I love making soups!
i like when it first snows and looking at all the fresh snow
Hot apple cider
I love when it snows those big, fat fluffy flakes and all the world is white and sparkly and all the noise is hushed. I like to go for a walk on nights like that and feel like the animals and I are the only ones on earth.
kport207 at gmail dot com
The fireplace fire
Hot chocolate!
hot chocolate and my kitty cuddling in my lap for warmth
I love the cooler temperatures!
I love cool weather, snow, holidays,and fireplaces.
as you can see by my email and twitter name (evermorewinter) i love the winter, i love snow, and i love the cold temps 🙂
I love taking my grandson sledding.
I love being able to use the fireplace and the holidays.
Staying indise with a nice fire going in the fireplace, sipping a mug of spiced cider, and reading a good book.
i love the fresh snow
Curling up with a good book by the fire.
I love winter clothes. I always look forward to bundling when winter rolls around rather than stripping down when spring arrives for some reason.
The cooler temps! Here in Texas we love a break!
The only thing I really like about winter is seeing the snow.
Snow, hot cocoa and Christmas! 🙂
I love building a fire in the fireplace on a cold winter day.
i love fireplaces and hot cocoa
I love the cheery holidays and snow!
I love being able to bring my children to lasalette to see all of the lights. Thanks for the chance.
I like building a fire and cuddling up with a good book and hot chocolate
I love the cooler weather. We have 90 and 100 degree temps this summer and I’m ready to experience the cooler side.
I love the snow
Snow and Christmas
hot cocoa and that it gets cold! and of course christmas and holiday food!
Staying cozy at home and watching movies
Thanks for the chance.
snow days
I love snow when it first falls and is so white and pure
Cuddling by the fire
I love that it fianlly cools down in San Diego!
Love playing in the snow!
I love how clean and pretty everything looks covered in snow.
I wish I could say I like winter but I am a southern girl and I like the hot weather.
I love Christmas and New Year celebrations)
hubby loves ice fishing, kids love snowboarding, I love Christmas
Winters in my town are brutal, cold, and snowy! I love the first snow fall, the excitement in the air. Then it can all go away!! I do like to snowmobile though and match my son snowboard race for his school.
getting warm by a fireplace
Love going sledding! And love how pretty it looks right after it snows!
I love watching my kids, both human and furry, playing in the snow
I love all the holidays and time spent with family
I love the snow!!!!
I love football season
My favorite part of winter is curling up with a good book & some hot chocolate!
I love having lower electricity bills.
The holidays!! And this year, after having moved from California, I look forward to seeing my snow obsessed son’s face if/when it finally snows at HIS house!
Snow (when I don’t have to drive anywhere)
Slow cooker dinners, warm comfy blankets, and snuggles with the kids!
watching it snow
Getting to wear boots and decorate for the holidays.
missysweepsalot at gmail dot com
For my family, it’s spending the winter weekends skiing in the mountains!
i love winter snow
I love that the weather is cooler! It’s so hard to stay cool during the summer in our house.
The break from bugs :0)
Absolutely nothing
having my son home for winter break and drinking hot chocolate together and playing in the snow!
The way everything outside looks, otherwise, I am not a fan of the cold. Brrrrr.
I’m not much of a winter person, but I do love the holidays!
The holidays that come around and the snow.
It’s boot season!
This is weird, but I love how I sleep in the winter: cool bedroom, snuggly blankets. Darkness. It’s all good.
I live in the south now, but I miss the snow up north.
The holidays!
Christmas, sweaters, and snuggling up by the fire to keep warm 🙂
I love snow days when everyone can just stay home and watch movies!
Hot comfort food 🙂
The holidays,
I like the cold weather and the holidays
I like the chance of snow days from work.
snow,soup,and warm clothes
I like snuggling up with my pooch and a good book
The cool weather!
I love snow
the snow!
I love the snow.
This would be a great prize to win. I could start buying things for Christmas.
the chance of a snow day!
I love the holiday season and being around family 🙂
I love the SNOW!!!
The smell of the fresh air when it first snows.
Being able to get outside without melting, longer nights, hot chocolate, watching the fire and more time to snuggle!
Celebrating Christmas! And Snow Days! 🙂
i like baking holiday goodies
i love the snow and christmas of course
I love winter thunderstorms!
I love the soft snowfalls.
the cooler days and snow
Christmas shopping
Snow and hot cocoa!
The air seems fresher.
Hot chocolate
Staying off the icy roads!
I love wearing mittens.
Getting to wear cozy clothes like sweaters and boots!
Earflap hats.
love being warm and cozy inside
I love wearing my footed flannel jammies – thank you!
I love that it’s boot wearing weather!
the snow!
SNOW… when we get it here in S.C.
The cooler weather
Life seems to go slower in the winter, time to take deep breaths and enjoy the quiet
I love the colder weather.
I love that you can stay inside and enjoy the snow with a cup of hot chocolate and a wool blanket 🙂
I love cozy days at home with my blanket and a warm mug of coffee! Thanks for the chance to win!
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
When it snows and the kids are so excited to go play in it!
What I like about the winter is the pure white snow.
I love a big ole pile of covers on the bed to snuggle under.
I look forward to baing for the holidays
Drinking hot chocolate after a cold day out!
I love the holidays 🙂
I love going down the hill when it snows on a tube with the kiddos they have a blast
I love being able to drink hot chocolate everyday if i wish!
I love the cold weather!
I love when it first snows, a light snow, and all the trees and branches are covered in that layer of white – beautiful.
I love how beautiful it looks after it snows.
I love that’s it cold enough to start having fires
I love watching my kids make snow angles
I love hot drinks like lattes and cappuccinos. So, I like to sit outside on the deck in the chilly weather enjoying a hot drink.
Warm clothes, the holiday season, cocoa, and the first snow fall 🙂 Thanks!
I love the time that I get to spend with my loved ones during the holidays that come during the winter season
Playing in the snow, sledding, skiing
I love taking and watching my kids go sleigh riding in the winter. Thanks
I love it when it snows enough to cover everything and make it look all pretty.
I love the holidays and the cold weather! I can’t stand being hot!
I love snow and Christmas lights!
i love the sweaters and scarves!
holidays and cooler weather
the snow
I love snow (to look at, not be in).
Being able to snuggle under lots of blankets, wearing scarves, and fires
the beauty of a fresh snowfall
I love the lower electric bill during the fall and winter months!! My house stays plenty warm on its own, so being able to turn OFF the AC / Heating unit is wonderful!!
I love warm fires and cuddling up at home.
I like skiing and sledding in the snow.
I love watching the snow fall, the scent of wood burning in the fireplace and the holidays.
I like ice skating
I’m not good anymore but it is still fun
I love the way the light shines off of the snow.
Dana / danabeeman(at)gmail(dot)com
I get to wear sweaters and jackets
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I love the cooler weather.
I love baking and cooking soups and stews.
I like the holidays and hot cocoa
Winter break!
Fresh, crisp air.
I love all the holiday flavors and spending time with family
I love playing in the snow at the local park, having snowball fights and sledding. Thanks.
I love being able to wear my warm, snuggly clothes 🙂
I love hot chocolate and snow.
Wearing sweaters and drinking hot chocolate after playing in the snow with my boys!
I love watching the snow fall while sitting near a warm fireplace.
I love burning winter scented candles or melting winter scented soy melts! Plus all the baking!
love the snow warm soup and coo co with marshmellow
I love decorating for the holidays!
Snuggling with my kids and husband under warm blankets and watching Christmas movies!
I love holiday baking
Thanks for the giveaway! Janna Johnson jannajanna@hotmail.com GFC: janna@feedyourpig
Snow looks pretty
The end!!
There is very little that I love about winter. I’d say Christmas—that’s about it.
The holidays ,weather ,& wearing fabulous winter boots /clothing .
I love the cold weather.
I like when it snows, though it hardly ever does in my neck of the woods.
being able to snuggle up in front of a fireplace
I like colder weather.
I love getting snuggled in by the fire and crocheting!
the thing I love about winter is sparkly white snow
i love spending the holidays with my family
I luv the snow, building snowmen, sledding and coming home to a roaring fire!
Christmas and Christmas snow.
I love the weather, especially if it snows
Never actually experienced it but would LOVE to play in the snow and make snow angels!
I love the cold! Nothing better than being freezing cold and curling up near a fireplace.
I love the food! In the winter we make a lot of homade chilis and soups!
Playing out in the snow with my kids and then coming in for hot cocoa.
I love the holidays! A nice fire in the fireplace is awesome too 🙂
I love going skiing!
I love the cooler weather.
When it snows!
Snow and snow days!
I love snow!! It almost never snows where we live now, and I miss snow!
i love the cold weather
I love the quiet, the cold, and snow.
I love winter vacation
I love seeing a pure, clean blanket of snow on my trees and yard.
I love making snow forts with my hubby and kids
I’m not a big fan of winter but I do like the holidays.
The cold weather
I hate cold weather so the part of winter I like best is Christmas.
The one thing I love about winter is having a month off from college : )
How everything looks and smells refreshed and new.
My allergies are so much better. Makes me love the season even when it gets bitterly cold.
snow 🙂
the snow on a crisp sunny day
I’m not a fan of winter but I do love how the snow sparkles in the sunshine.
I love the weather 😀
Christmas of course!!
In Arizona, the weather is actually very nice during the winter
I love watching my young having a blast in the snow!
i love all the holidays
I love that the snow brightens everything up so that it’s never all that dark, even at night. I also enjoy drinking endless amounts of hot cocca and building snowmen.
I love hearing the snow fall.
The snow
I love how the the trees look covered in snow.
I love looking at the snow.
I look forward to the holidays with friends and family!
I love the first snowfall and going sledding outside with my kids.
I love the smell of the foods, the candle scents, and one of my 2 dogs loves being outside playing most of the day!
Cold weather – and snuggling up inside with hot soup and hot chocolate
The weather! We had an extra-hot summer this year so I hope winter is nice and cold.
snuggling under the blankets keeping warm
honestly I really dont like winter due to the cold and how it isolates more, but the winter scenes with trees softly covered with snow and the NEW snow you see undisturbed out your window in early morning is so serene. I do love that!
thank you!
i love the food and the fashion.
I love snow, lots of it, so I can go snowboarding! 🙂
I love cuddling up under a warm blanket drinking coffee on a Saturday morning.
I drive a truck and winter is the only time a year that I can drift. I live for drifting.
I love sledding!
I like decorating for Christmas and drinking hot chocolate
I love decorating the christmas tree and drinking hot chocolate on cold nights!
I like my house feeling extra cozy. Cuddling with my kids under a blanket and watching a movie. Enjoying a hot cup of coffee in the warm indoors
I love the feeling of no humidity during the winter time. I live in Fl… should explain it all!
I love the snow
Waking up to a blanket of fresh snow covering everything. Also like cuddling with hubby and watching the snow come down.
I love how peaceful and beautiful everything looks after a fresh snowfall. Thank you for the chance to win.
i love driving in the snow!
I love the snow and an opportunity to wear cozy sweaters and I enjoy the holidays with spending time with the family.
cjnedrow at gmail dot com
getting to wear my beautiful and stylish sweaters
I love Christmas break when my kids are home for a week!
I love the crisp air, hot choclate and chicken noodle soup
the holidays!
I like the weather and being able to spend time outdoors comfortably.
Hot Chocolate!
Nothing..except the day it ends!!
em darr
The cold weather so I have an excuse to stay in and cuddle up!
not much. i am always very cold.
ice fishing with friends
I love sledding.
Being able to wear my super cute boots and sweaters
The cold weather!
Nothing!!! I hate winter. It rains all the time and it is miserable.
I don’t really love winter at all, I love the holidays and all of my Christmas decorations however I could that just as well in 70 degree weather. I guess if I love anything it’s how awesome spring feels after going through a winter. 50 degrees sucks in September but in April if feels wonderful!
Love the snow, white Christmas, and the family that stops by for no reason 🙂
I love skiing
hot chocolate!!!!
I like finally being able to layer clothes without breaking a sweat. Living in the south doesn’t always allow for fashionable wears. Lol
I like cuddling up on the couch watching movies.
What I love most about winter are the winter holidays and spending time with my family and friends!
Nothing really except for the Christmas holidays
Winter is my favorite season. I love the cold weather.
I love spending holidays with family, and waking up in the morning to a freshly-fallen layer of snow over everything – so peaceful!
Nothing! LOL No I like the snow, but hate the cold.
Going for sled rides and cuddling on the sofa watching the snow fall!
I love how beautiful the snow is!
The Holidays
the colder weather
Cool weather, football, and snuggling with my wife.
The colder temps lol.
Cooler days.
I love spending the days with my boys during a blizzard
It isn’t going to be 95 degrees with an 90 percent humiditiy (yay, Florida).
Not very much. LOL! The first snow is always nice
brich22 at earthlink dot net
The holidays thats about it, I hate the cold
I love winter for the snow, we get to ride our Snowmobiles.
absolutely nothing
I love the cold! I miss it terribly. (I live in Florida)
I like how pretty the snow is.
the cold weather and getting to wear scarves and gloves
The cold air. I can breathe easier.
I love how pristine everything looks when it’s covered in snow.
Wearing my boots.
i love that its cooler and a change from my Texas heat! haha and I love that I get to visit my families!
I love the holidays during the winter season – Thanks!
I love seeing ice glittering on the morning grass.
hot chocolate and snowball fights
I love the warm cozy clothes
The holidays, ice skating, hot chocolate, and snow (not that we get any in Texas).
Christmas, cooler weather & after holiday sales 🙂
I love having a nice cozy fire to warm up to after being outside in the snow.
quesera.sera.507679 at facebook.com
It’s not 115 degrees like summer.
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
I love snuggling under a blanket on my couch!
Wearing all my winter boots!!
I love the holidays and the cooler weather (we’re in FL).
I like cold weather and snow.
I love wearing my Snuggee
this would be so nice!
Snowmen and Christmas.
I love the cold weather, and how everyone gets in a cheery mood. I love getting together with my family, and all the good FOOD!!!
I love the weather and winter activities.
I love the cold temps! This is my most favorite time of the year!! Thank you!
I love building snow men and snow forts with my kids
We don’t have winter, but it’s the family togetherness during these times that I love. 🙂
Looking forward to cozying up beside the fire and reading.
Definitely snow!
I like to go skiing in the winter
I love watching the snow fall.
I like that there is no yardwork during winter.
I love the coziness of winter!
I love the cold weather and the holidays
I love watching the snow fall
I love the snow!
I love Christmas!
the falling of the leaves and warm cocoa!
I love to watch the snow fall.
I love being able to bake without roasting us out. 🙂
Please Enter Me In Your Giveaway.
It Would Be Great To Win The $100 Cash.
In Response To Your Question Of What do you love about the winter?
I Love Watching The Snow Fall And Spending The Holidays With Family And Friends.
Thank You For Having This Giveaway!!!!!!!!
Christmas! And that’s about it, lol.
I like the Holidays
christmas time
I love the colder weather
I look forward to all the delicious things that we’ll be baking during winter!
(Thanks for this contest!)
I love the cold weather and the possibility of snow flurries!
snow days!!!
vmkids3 at msn dot com
I love the snow! We get a ton of it! =)
I love when it sometimes snows here, we don’t get snow very often, so it’s nice to see.
chrissylea1979 (at)gmail(dot) com
cooler weather and of course the holidays
jagar0047 at yahoo dot com
I am not a big winter person, I have arthritis and it is much worse in the winter. I would have to say that it is so beautiful when it snows.
the snow
I love snow, boots and scarves!
The weather
the clothes and good, warm food like lots of pumpkin and squash recipes
I love the cooler winter, hot chocolate, and holiday decorations.
About the only thing I like about winter is the beauty of a fresh snowfall, or even sunlight on ice coating trees, etc. That doesn’t mean I want to see them, just that I admit they are beautiful for a short time!
I love the colder weather, the little bit of snow that we get, the holiday foods, and sleeping warm and cozy on my flannel sheets.
the cold temps!
Hot Cocoa, sheets straight out of the dryer & Christmas decorating!!! What’s not to love?! 🙂
There’s not much I like about winter!
I love the time to relax, get warm, and snuggle. I love drinking hot tea/cocoa and watching movies on rainy days.
I love being able to turn off the a/c (we are in Florida) and hopefully getting to wear a sweater for a few days!
the way the winter weather can slow down a city
I love the snow and the holidays
The thing I love most about winter is getting to visit family and friends during the holidays.
Wearing sweatshirts and wrapping up in blankets.
the cold
I love getting cozy under the covers and watching a movie
Snuggling with my hubby and watching movies or going for a walk with my dogs in the snow.
I like the snow and hot drinks and homemade soup in the winter.
My birthday is in the winter so that’s part of it but I like cold weather over hot weather any day!
that is goes away in the spring!
The snow and smells of cookies and xmas trees!
I love how the snow slows everyone down so we can take time to be with each other
the only thing i enjoy about winter is christmas 🙂
I love the crisp cold air and Christmas.
I love staying indoors during snow storms and playing board games with the kids.
We usually have mild winters, I enjoy the cooler weather as long as it’s not too cold!
Snuggling up in front of the tv watching some good old football 🙂
Sitting by my fire at home.
I like warm sweaters!
I love the family gatherings that take place.
Living in Arizona, I love the mild weather! I also love Christmas and the joy around it
Playing in the snow
Cozy fireplaces in the Winter. Comfy slippers and warm blankets.
wendym at cableone dot net
getting warm and cozy under a blanket
Snow! I really like it for about 2 to 3 weeks and then I’ve had enough!! That’s just enough time to get sledding, snowman making, snowball fights and snow angels into!
I love the cool weather and look forward to it each year. 🙂 Thank you.
I love the cooler temperatures and using my fireplace!
Thank You!
I love the warm clothes and the hot food.
Thanks for the giveaway… skiing & snowboarding !
I love taking my children sledding 🙂
I like the snow if/when we get it every 3 – 5 years.
I love the snow