When you lead a busy life the way we do it is hard to get everyone in one place. I home-school my children but between teaching them, their activities, and my work we don’t always have a lot of family time. Most nights I feed the kids and then eat later at my desk while I am either working, planning lessons, or grading papers. Not to mention that my husband is not always here to be with us either. So what do we do? We have one a day together no matter what is planned for the day. Every single morning we sit down and start our day with breakfast together. If my husband is not here he calls during breakfast to say good morning and chat with us while we get a good start to our day.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and I have found that if my kids see me sit down and eat breakfast they will also eat and get a good start on their day. It also gives us a chance to spend a little time just talking with one another. We chat about what we will be doing for the day,the kids tell jokes, and just anything that comes to mind. I know that once the day gets started we are all running in a million different directions so I am thankful for the half hour we spend around the table each morning. I am even more thankful for the days when we are all together and get so wrapped up talking that several hours pass before we know it.do
I know what you are thinking, that since the title of this post has to do with Tropicana do we drink Tropicana Orange Juice every morning? I am going to be completely honest and say no,we do not. However on the mornings we have orange juice it is Tropicana ( the the fact that I am writing about them is purely a coincidence.) I buy Tropicana Pure Premium Orange Juice because is it 100% Pure Florida Orange Juice and I want my children to have the best. I did, however,find out some very interesting facts I wanted to share with you all:
- Tropicana is the single largest buyer of Florida fruit, purchasing approximately 11.6 billion oranges from Florida each year (that is a lot of oranges!)
- Tropicana uses groves in 22 different Florida counties, primarily in central and southern Florida.
- The different microclimates and soil types mean that fruit reaches peak maturity at different times, allowing Tropicana to harvest ripe fruit throughout the entire growing season.
- The two major orange types in Tropicana Pure Premium are Valencia and Hamlin. Valencias typically have more intense color and flavor, while Hamlins can be sweeter. They each add unique characteristics to the TPP blend.
- Many Florida growers sample oranges by cutting them into a cup shape, allowing for drinking juice directly from the fruit.
- Tropicana’s roots in Florida go back a long way. Some of its current grower relationships date to the 1960s.
- Oranges have been grown in Florida since the 1560s, approximately 147 years before any other U.S. state.
Now about the sweepstakes:
Enter the Tropicana sweepstakes for a chance to win 100 Florida prizes, including one-year-supplies of Tropicana (in the form of twelve 59 oz Tropicana Pure Premium containers) and a trip to Florida to visit an orange grove. Ninety-nine winners will get a one-year supply of orange juice in the form of twelve coupons for (12) 59 oz Tropicana Pure Premium® containers. One winner will get a trip to a Florida orange grove and invite three (3) guests for: Round-trip airfare for four (4) to Florida, three (3) night stay at a Florida hotel.The winner will have an exclusive experience at experience at a Florida orange grove. For official rules and regulations, visit the “sweeps” tab on Tropicana’s Facebook page at www.Facebook.com/Tropicana
**“I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Tropicana blogging program, to earn My SocialMoms Rewards Points. The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own. To read more posts on this topic, click here.” **
I would love to win a year’s supply of Tropicana o.j.!
I know! Can you imagine nit having to buy it for a you? Good Luck if you entered.