It’s Friday again and that means I am bringing you an update on the family. We will be checking in with the senior citizens in the house as well as the kiddos and all of the other craziness that I call my daily life. I wouldn’t change a single moment of it even if there may have been moments when I wanted to pull my hair out.
Life at Shady Pines
If you are new to the blog Shady Pines is what I call my house because of the senior citizens that live with me. It is my nod to The Golden Girls. This week has actually been a full for the residents. They spent the week getting ready for my sister’s visit which didn’t happen. It didn’t stop Ma though from trying to clean the house within an inch of it’s life. Ya know cause it’s soooo dirty all of the time. You could eat off our floors on our worse day around here. My uncle though did make us some amazing steaks on that grill that finally showed up.
The Kiddos
Having four kids around the house can be trying at times. That doesn’t mean I don’t love them to death. This week has been a flurry of activity as we finish our last week of homeschool before Spring Break. Yes, we take it the week of Easter because it works out better for us. The older kids have had some tests they had to get done and they have been getting ready for spring and summer sports. The younger ones have been learning that their letters and I am proud to report that at three years old they can recite the entire alphabet and could to forty. After forty they lose interest.
Goings on with Me
I have been busy not only with homeschool but also trying to get ahead on the blog so that I can take a couple of days off next week. I am hoping to take Thursday-Sunday off next week just to spend the time with the family celebrating the holiday. That is really all I have been doing this week. Working like crazy.
Oh our families!! Even though they make us crazy at times we wouldn’t want to live without them.
It sounds like your homeschooling is going very well. I do hope that you can enjoy a few days away from the blog with your family.
Thank you Christy! I am going to try my best. If nothing else I am certainly not being online at all on Easter.
Sounds like you have a very busy household! I hope you can catch some time to spend with your family!
Thank you Dana! Like I said I am certainly taking Easter off but I may actually manage it with as much as I have been working.
Wow…busy week! What is it about mom’s that never feel like the house is clean enough?! My mom is the same way and she doesn’t even live with me. Hey, if she wants to clean my house, I say go for it! 🙂
I feel the same way! Today they decided that all the appliances needed to be cleaned. I said go for it.