It’s Friday the 13th! Ma is going to have a fit today because she is superstitious like you wouldn’t believe. I’m talking no one leave the house oh my God is that a black cat kind of superstitious. Both cats we had when I was younger and not allergic to them were black. Go figure! In fact, our vet tried to get us to take on another one because he said black cats were hard to place in homes.
Hope She Grows Out of It
I don’t know why she is that way but she is and it has passed on to Maggie. She will freak out if a bird gets onto the back porch because it might get into the house and that is a bad omen. Although she pronounces it 0-man. I try not to make an issue of it hoping that as she goes up she will grow out of this. If not then I guess it will be something that she has to learn to live with. Wait until she tell her boyfriend that she can’t go out on a Friday night because it is the 13th.
Not Crazy
It could be worse I suppose and Ma is not like too crazy (coughs…yes, she is) with it. Having been raised by her grandmother may have played a part in why she has these superstitions. You know the broom fell so company is company, don’t break a mirror, don’t open an umbrella inside the house. That one will freak her out completely. She will throw the umbrella out of the house after she has mutilated that thing. There are times when it is pretty funny and growing up us kids all had good laughs over it. Although a few years ago she told me not to leave the house on the day and I didn’t listen. I kid to you not I almost had nine different accidents on the road. None of which would have been my fault but it was like every nut-job was out driving that day.
Share Your Thoughts
Do you have any superstitions? Tell me some of the craziest ones you have heard of?
No I am not superstitious but I heard a funny one today. “Never buy your man a pair of shoes or he will walk out of your life”. lol If that was true mine would have been gone a long time ago.
My Irish grandmother passed her superstitions on to my mother, and I learned to be superstitious from both of them. To this day, I’m constantly knocking on wood, or wondering who is talking about me if my ear is ringing (bad if it’s the left, good if it’s the right), and so on and on and on. I don’t know if I believe the worst will happen or if they’re just habits now. Or compulsions, more like it; I suppose they do feed my OCD tendencies.
P.S. I’ve had many wonderful black cats over the years, so that’s one superstition I don’t worry about. 🙂
I will throw salt over my shoulder if I spill it. But I don’t even know why.
I used to be superstitious when I was younger but never sincerely believed it. Now that I’m an adult, I just laugh about it. I love black cats!
I remember being superstitious when I was a kid (remember, “don’t step on a crack or you break your mother’s back”). I have a SIL who is very superstitious. I remember she would never change my niece’s diaper on a flat surface that wasn’t in her house. For example, in the park, she wouldn’t lay the baby down on a picnic table, even if there was a blanket. I forget the reason but it was based on a superstition.
I joke about black cats being bad luck but don’t really believe it. Our neighbor has a gorgeous black cat named Scout that’s pretty awesome and definitely not bad luck.