It’s Friday again and that means I am bringing you an update on the family. We will be checking in with the senior citizens in the house as well as the kiddos and all of the other craziness that I call my daily life. I wouldn’t change a single moment of it even if there may have been moments when I wanted to pull my hair out. Happy St. Patrick’s Day!! I hope you all are wearing your green!
Life at Shady Pines
If you are new to the blog Shady Pines is what I call my house because of the senior citizens that live with me. It is my nod to The Golden Girls. This week the senior citizens have been on a Supernatural kick and let me tell you it has been funny. There was nothing funnier than sitting at my desk and hearing “Did they just kill Sam? “No that was Dean, no that was Sam. I don’t just keep watching.” They had me rolling all week. They are watching reruns and I’m pretty sure they came in the middle of the series so they are confused but hooked.
The Kiddos
Well we had our first Wizard of Oz moment this week when Sam thought he would be funny. I burned something on the stove because I got distracted which of course caused some smoke. While I was opening the door he three himself on the floor , flopped around and said “I’m Melting! I’m Melting!” Imagine that in a little pixie voice and you will understand why I may (MAY) have tinkled just a little when I laughed. He is a riot sometimes. The older kids have begun watching CNN with my mother this week and I swear I’m going to block that channel. It’s not the channel so much as the questions they have afterwards that I don’t have the answers for.
Goings on with Me
Oh where to begin? Actually this week has been a bit blah for me. The antibiotics I am on have made me feel a little under the weather on top of the dang cold weather. Cold as in I am freezing and who thought this would be funny weather. I will be so glad when it warms back up and I am done with these meds. Which will be next week and I can get back to my old self.
Hannah says
😀 Happy St. Patrick’s day!