It’s Friday again and that means I am bringing you an update on the family. We will be checking in with the senior citizens in the house as well as the kiddos and all of the other craziness that I call my daily life. I wouldn’t change a single moment of it even if there may have been moments when I wanted to pull my hair out.
Life at Shady Pines
If you are new to the blog Shady Pines is what I call my house because of the senior citizens that live with me. It is my nod to The Golden Girls. This week the seniors have been taking it easy. They know that I am super busy so they are giving me a break. Can you say Thank you Jesus? The only thing they have been giving me fits about are the instructions I have been writing out for them for while I was gone. They will get over it though.
The Kiddos
Having four kids around the house can be trying at times. That doesn’t mean I don’t love them to death. This week was our last week of school. We had two weeks but we have buckled down and the kids have really gotten things done. So now they are enjoying their free time until we get ready to leave.
Goings on with Me
What can I say? Going on with me is work…work…work. I know that it seems like that is all I do but when I am trying to get ahead because of things planned I tend to get lost within what I am doing.