I like a lot of different quotes but there is one Mark Twain quote that really enjoy more than all of the others.
Never put off till tomorrow what may be done day after tomorrow just as well.
Now I know that we should do whatever it is today and get it done. I mean I am a huge fan of getting things done but there are times when I really feel like this quote is screaming itself at me. For example days when I would rather be doing anything else except working.
It is the truth and I think, I can do it tomorrow or event he next day. I will get it done and it is okay to be off doing something else. While I realize that life is not this way and it is really important for me to stay right on top of everything that is going in my life on those rare days when I do nothing, I tell myself this! It is okay and why not every once in a while?
Haha, love this quote. I used to be a huge procrastinator. I’m really working hard on not being that way but sometimes a quote like this hits really close to home, haha. My favorite quote is “Be the change you wish to see in the world” I think that is a wonderful quote to live by.
I love that quote as well! It is a wonderful quote to live by.
I love Mark Twain! I am also a huge fan of Helen Keller, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Maya Angelou. One of my favorite quotes is from Ralph Emerson and it is, “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail”
I love that quote as well! I also love Robert Frost.
LOL, guilty! My favorite quote is: “Never believe everything you read on the internet.” -Abraham Lincoln
It killed me!