Fidget toys seem to be the hottest new trend this summer. Everywhere you turn, you are likely to see children and adults spinning, clicking, rubbing or rolling their shiny new toy.
These fidget tools are also extremely useful for controlling the symptoms of anxiety, stress and other such mental health disorders such as ADHD.
Fidget spinners and fidget cubes are the new fidget toys and the world seems to be divided on which is the best. While one spins, the other is a hand-held device with a switch, gear, ball, joystick and buttons. Both devices can be used to increase focus and concentration and boost productivity. Hence, the real question should not be which one is the better tool, but which one is right for you.
Here is a detailed comparison of fidget cubes and fidget spinners and how they can be useful.
Fidget Cubes
Fidget cubes are counted among the first specialized fidget toys in the market and despite the increase in popularity of fidget spinners, this low-tech toy has remained one of the top fidget tools.
They are small, palm sized boxes made from high quality plastic or ceramic and have a variety of options for calming you down and distracting you from stress or anxiety. Specifically, fidget cubes usually have the following features:
- Spinning – A spin wheel on one surface allows you to spin and is just as satisfying as flipping lock combinations.
- Clicking – One side of the fidget cube usually has 2 silent and 3 clicker buttons. When you need to fidget, but without attracting unwanted attention, for example while at work, you can repeatedly click the silent buttons. If the sound of clicking soothes you, then using the clicker buttons can be equally satisfying.
- Rubbing – Just as good as rubbing the smooth surface of traditional worry stones, one surface of the fidget cube comes with a circular surface which can not only put your mind at ease, but also reduce the symptoms of anxiety.
- Flipping – Who wasn’t fascinated with flipping switches as kids? Fidget cubes also come with a flip switch – now you can spend hours trying to balance the switch in the middle. Flipping the switch on and off can also increase your concentration and focus on the task at hand.
- Rolling – A small metal ball on the side which also includes a built-in click feature can be extremely satisfying for people who suffer from attention disorders.
- Gliding – The mini-joystick on one surface of the cube helps in boosting focus. With this feature, you can always feel like you are playing an exciting game. Moving the joystick around can also calm you down.
Fidget Spinners
Marketed as one of the top stress-relieving tools, fidget spinners can be particularly useful for controlling nervous movements such as biting your nails, twirling your hair and moving your feet. Fidget spinners are made with a central bearing and usually have two or more spokes which can spin very fast. According to user reviews, the spinning motion of this toy provides a pleasant sensory experience when rotated on a table or fingers.
Fidget spinners also come in a variety of designs, shapes and quality – from cheap plastic to brass, stainless steel, titanium and copper. The popularity of these toys has also led manufacturers to produce them in different designs such as flowers, Shuriken, futuristic looking bars, UFOs etc.
Fidget spinners can also help increase your focus, relieve the symptoms of stress, reduce anxiety and boost your productivity among other benefits. While fidget spinners don’t have as many options as fidget cubes, they provide a seamless spinning experience with minimum distractions. They can calm your nerves quickly and are particularly useful for people who find it hard to focus. They are an effective solution for managing your impulses and reducing the need to fidget in ways which can harm you.
Which is Right for You?
Both fidget cubes and fidget spinners are sensory toys which have many different as well as distinct benefits. Fidget Circle’s The Fidget Toy Guide will provide you with more information on the difference between these toys and why they’re so popular if you’re still unsure on what they both are. If you want to know which one is right for you, read on.
As fidget cubes offer many features such as clicking, rubbing, rolling, etc., they represent a more productive way of fighting the need to fidget, especially among people with anxiety and stress.
However, if your problem is lack of focus and wavering attention in the classroom or at your workplace, then fidget spinners offer a better option as the repetitive motion of whirling the blades can boost your concentration.
Both fidget spinners and fidget cubes are the coolest new gadgets in the market. However, when it comes down to deciding which is the best fidget toy, what really matters are your needs – do you need something silent, but as fascinating as spinning the blades on a fidget spinner can be? Or do you need something with more options such as fidget cubes which can offer you different options?
Depending on your needs, fidget spinners and fidget cubes can both be very good for relieving the symptoms of stress, anxiety and many other mental health disorders.
I have to be honest, I just don’t get it. I don’t get why they’re so popular. They seem to be all the rage. No matter where you look, someone has one and is rubbing or clicking. If it helps someone I’m all for it, but for me, I just don’t get it.