This is a sponsored post as part of the Shaklee Corporation blogger program. I have received free products, online support and incentives for participating in the Shaklee Corporation blogger program All opinions are my own. I am also a Shaklee Independent Distributor. People following the weight-loss portion of the Shaklee 180 Program can expect to lose 1-2 pounds per week.
Well here is my final Shaklee180 video. I am both sad and happy with the end here. I still have some work to do but I am getting there.
You look amazing! I loved watching your videos and reading your blog post. One of the things I really liked was you were honest about not being crazy about the shakes at first. That it took you awhile to find your favorites in the program. I am so happy for you! You did it! You followed through when you could have given up. Keep up the great work!
Rita ~ I know you don’t know me from Adam, but I feel like I know you and that you are a friend of mine from following your blog/posts. I couldn’t be prouder and happier for you! Because of meds I take for Lupus I have had many times when I have gained lots of weight. So easy to put on, such a struggle to take off. You have done a wonderful job! You are beautiful inside and out and any weight. Way to go!!! :o)
Thank you so much! My biggest hope when I became a blogger is that readers would consider me their friend.
I do not see the video- am I missing it? I am considering the Shaklee 180 program, and am finding little to no information on the product.