How many of you have a real tree this Christmas? I am curious because we have never had one. My parents both said they did growing up but we always had an artificial one. I think it is because they were easier on them. When I became an adult I just stuck with what I know.
However, I have always wanted to go out into the forest (okay the tree lot by the mall) and find the perfect tree for my house. Now is the time to tell you that what I envision in my head and the actual tree are two different things. My inner vision is a tall nine foot tree that is full and I will decorate it so well it will end up in a magazine.
Reality is more like a 5 foot tree because I’m short and my ceilings aren’ that tall and my mother will decorate it because she hates the way I do it. I also, secretly, hate the way she does it. All those ornaments and blinking lights give me a headache. She does that because that is the way my father used to love the tree. I will admit though the last couple of years we have been Scrooges and not put up a tree at all. It was only us and we just didn’t feel we needed one.
So, this year I have been on the hunt for a new tree. Something to symbolize our rebirth, so to speak. I would love to do a real tree and I live in the woods so I could easily just have my uncle cut one down. There has been much debate over this and while I am certain I will out in the end because I will just do what I want anyway.
A tree shouldn’t be this important but for some reason this year I feel as though it is. It’s like if I don’t find one and put it up I will have failed some huge test. I’m not sure why because we haven’t been planning anything up until now.
I am spending a little time today heading out to the tree lot to see what they have. I don’t want to get one and have the needles fall off. So I am asking lots of questions which drive the people selling the trees crazy. I had one guy walk away from me yesterday. I guess I was just being too much. If he only knew how important this tree is to me this year. I have placed my happiness for the season into this tree and I can already feel it is going to be a huge let down.
🎄For those of you with real trees do you have a lot of issues with them? Like do the needles all fall out? Do they dry out easily? Am I just being overly crazy about it all?🎄
We’ve never had a real tree. I wouldn’t even know how to take care of it or dispose of it.
We has real trees when I was growing up and yes the needle fall off a lot. A lot of people put real trees up way too early and they get dried out especially if you have a wood stove they are a major fire hazard. I like artificial trees less mess less worry but I do miss that real tree smell.
Real trees can really aggravate my allergies (though the old ornaments probably have a lot to do with it).
I’ve never had a real tree. I’ve always been in small apartments that don’t allow real trees.
I had a real tree when I was a kid. As an adult I always had a fake one. It is easier to care for. As long as it is watered regularly and not bought too soon a real tree is nice. I know I wouldn’t keep up with that so a fake one is better for me.
Unfortunately we went with an artificial tree this year but I do so love having a real tree in my home. When I was growing up it was our Black Friday ritual that my grandfather would take my sister and I out into the woods behind our home and we would walk until we found the perfect tree. He would chop it down and we would drag it back home on the long sled (this was back in the day when sleds were wooden with steel runners). We would set up the tree in the living room and decorate it together while everyone else was out shopping
A real tree is nice, but it is a lot of work. I stick with a fake tree.
I always made sure the kids got to help pick the tree and help, or I should say watch, as their dad put it up. They loved going to the empty lot and seeing all the trees that were there. We have saved all their handmade ornaments.