I love when you find something that just screams beauty, don’t you? What is even better is when that item works for my outdoor space as it is in desperate need of a little help. Thanks to Firmly Planted there are items that help make that space just as beautiful as the inside of my home. Trust me when I say their items will blow your socks off!
I was sent a 10×10 square pillow from Firmly Planted to review and I am loving the colors. They are one of the first things you notice when you pull it out of the box. Of course the second thing is that back is grass! It is actually artificial grass but grass all the same. Everyone gets such a kick out of it when they turn it over and see the back (or front depending on how you look at it.)
Firmly Planted doesn’t just do pillows either! If you can think it up they can most likely create it for you. Some of their custom designs include everything from house numbers to chair pads to lamps. Everything on their site just looks so amazing that actually choosing something is very difficult. I can only imagine all the fun I would have if I have no income limit!
The one that looks like grass is so funny. I had never heard of this company sounds like a great place for home decor.
very neat! i love it ill keep them in mind when i start redecorating my outdoor space
So nice! I love a touch of color.
Very nice stuff at Firmly Planted website! I like the designs and colors of their gorgeous pillows! I could really add these pillows to spruce up my decor!
I really like that pillow, but I don’t understand the point of the artificial grass. Yea it’s neat, but I imagine it not being very soft.
That, my dear girl, is where you would be SO pleasantly surprised!
it is really soft cuz we searched the universe for that exact reason
and-we found it!- We at Firmly Planted believe…..it is all about a feeling!
What a unique pillow! The multi-coloured side really adds a nice pop of colour. Perfect for warming up any space this spring/summer.
love a girl that gets it….
you glo girl)))))
come visit us and check out our new blog
and like us on FB – firmly planted.com
gobs of grassy gratitude
Very cool and unique! It’s nice they make custom designs. I’ve never heard of them before!!
thanx for the kind words HC
come check us out on FB- like us please
and check out our blog- be.firmlyplanted.com
we will have a give away in the next few weeks
Another great find-I really, really like that pillow, my decor is unique and that’s so cool looking. Thank you!
KG- thanx for the kind words
please come visit us on our website
on FB- firmly planted and also check out my blog
we’re gonna have a give a way in the next few weeks
Oh those are really nice fun and colorful prints! I love anything that can really brighten up a room! These pillows are all very pretty and just perfect for throwing onto a chair to add that flash of color! Thanks for sharing! I’m going to look more into the website!
Ari- please come check us out
on FB- firmly planted- like us won’t you)
also check out our new blog- be.firmlyplanted.com
we will have all kinds of goodness there- give aways as well
gobs of grassy gratitude
That pillow is so cool! I love the grass on the back also. I will have to check out their site. We need to do something with our outdoor spaces (deck and front porch) because they are kind of blah right now.
ask and you shall receive
love to help a gal out
please check out and “like” our FB page- firmly planted
and also our blog- be.firmlyplanted.com
we want you to be nothing but…..
firmly planted girlfriend
My mom was always a big pillow person and I could never understand why she had so many pillows for so many different things. My wife loves pillows, but she likes them for more practical purposes. This seems more practical.