It is finally here! The first day of fall not that it is feeling very fall like around here. It is still like 90 degrees and hot as sin but I know that in a few weeks, Lord willing, it will start to cool off. I can’t wait!
living my best possible southern life
| Rita
It is finally here! The first day of fall not that it is feeling very fall like around here. It is still like 90 degrees and hot as sin but I know that in a few weeks, Lord willing, it will start to cool off. I can’t wait!
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Not feeling much like Fall in St Louis yet. But they are promising a cool down next week—I hope! I am really…really…really! ready for cooler weather.
It’s been raining like mad here… I tink we have a rainy season after summer. It has been getting cooler though and the garden is nearly all done.
We had wet and humid – glad it wasn’t 90 though. I’m already seeing trees turning colors…that’s my favorite!
My first day of fall was great. It’s starting to cool down here, and I love the weather!
I *LOVE* summer, so the arrival of fall is not always most welcome, but like everyone else has noted, it still feel like summer here…it’s been in the 80s all week and gorgeous, so maybe fall is okay! 😀
Happy first day of fall to you, too! Here in Maine, we’re seeing the leaves changing color already. Lots of other signs, too, like migrating birds and Orion in the wee hours of the morning. It’s here, for sure.
Not a fan of fall..what follows is winter and I loath the cold, snowy, slush, icy days 🙁
I’m grateful for the cooler weather and sad about the shorter days.
I love the fall weather – wish it would last longer.
I just subscribed today to the “color report” for our state (Wisconsin). So I can find out when peak colors are for our area!
I love this time of year – it’s not to hot or cold. The beautiful changes of color is breathtaking.