Fleas generally bite animals and can spread a variety of diseases in the process. These include typhus and plague, both of which can be a serious concern. Of course, fleas generally choose to live on animals. But, if they’re none available or you’re giving your pet’s medication to eradicate the fleas, they may be tempted to try their luck with you.

If you think you have a flea problem it’s a good idea to call the exterminators. Fleas multiply surprisingly quickly and will lay their eggs in a variety of spots, such as your carpet or even your soft furnishings.
The eggs will stay dormant until the weather is warm enough for the eggs to hatch. The fleas will then appear and be hungry for a host.
Because they stay dormant it’s easy to think the issue has been resolved when it hasn’t, that’s why contacting a reputable pest control firm is essential.
Flea Bite Symptoms
The most obvious sign of a flea bite is a red spot that will appear to have a paler halo. It will be very itchy.
Fleas can jump surprisingly high for their size. However, they are still limited to approximately 1 ½ foot for a vertical jump. That means, if the fleas are living in your carpet the bites would be below your knees. It’s only if you sit or lay on a flea bed that you’ll develop them all over your body.
This is the reason why flea bites are generally on the lower part of your body and tend to appear as a rash. The fleas will all choose a similar spot to bite, causing a cluster of red marks with halos.
In most cases, they will simply be itchy. There are some cases where swelling is experienced around the bite and it is possible to have an allergic reaction to flea bites.
An allergic reaction will be sown as difficulty breathing. Specifically, you’ll be short of breath, wheezing, and perhaps light-headed. It can also cause swelling in your face, particularly of the lips and tongue. This makes it a potential medical emergency and appropriate action should be taken quickly.
You may also experience dizziness and even nausea.

Consequences of Bites
The bites can become infected, this is usually because you’ve itched them and allowed bacteria into your body.
The good news is the itching can be calmed with an over-the-counter remedy.
Signs Of a Flea Issue
The first sign will be your pets start to itch. This should alert you to a flea issue. You should note that you don’t need to have pets to get a flea infestation. Fleas can enter your home attached to you or your belongings. Once there they will start to multiply and then you’ll discover you have an issue.
You can spray your home to kill the fleas on contact and vacuum them up. But, it is always worth having an expert inspect your home to ensure the problem is eliminated.