My uncle makes the best homemade gravy. I have never been able to make it that well so when come to visit I always have him make some. This is his recipe that he gave me to share with all of you. He says that pork chops make the gravy but I am not so sure as I think it all has to do with the seasoning that you use on the meat.
Homemade Gravy
- 1/4 cup Flour
- Meat drippings: whatever is in the pan
- Hot Water: 1 large cup full
When you have finished cooking your meat drain the grease but be sure to save the drippings. The best way to do that is to use a large slotted spoon and hold it against the pan while you drain. Next mix 1/4 cup of flour with hot water in a cup. Stir until the flour is smooth and there are not lumps. Pour into your hot pan with drippings. Begin stirring and add water as needed to get the desired thickness/thinness.
It sounds like a lot of guessing and to be honest it really is. Mine is always too lumpy and thick. the reason for that is that I have been pouring my gravy into my pan and making a sort of rue first. Then I add cold water which is not the way to go. The hot water makes the flour melt better and if you mix the water and flour first in a cup you get a real smooth gravy. My uncle is a great cook but it is real hard to live with him when he makes something that is better than mine. I just can’t seem to live it down.
I am going to have to work on something new to blow his socks off and get my dignity back. It can’t be anything with pork either because his pork chops just melt in your mouth.
I watched my mom and grandmother make homemade gravy many, many times. But try as I might, I cannot get it just right. Maybe it is all in the memories, I don’t know. I will try the way your uncle makes it and see what happens!
It is a little embarrassing for a southern girl to admit, but I just don’t do gravy very well. Maybe you’re right…mixing the four first will make the difference. Thanks!
My gravy always get clumpy flour. I’ll have to try this!
I am a huge fan of homemade Gravy… My recipe is slightly different and taught to me by my great grandmother who owned a restaurant. But your right the biggest and most important thing is to not use cold liquid ( I use Milk) make sure it is hot.
This is the same way i make gravy. Ooh now Im in the mood for some mashed potatoes and gravy i think i know what im making for dinner tonight!
I appreciate the recipe. I can do turkey gravy, but pan gravy is not something I’ve ever done often or well. I will have to try this. My husband would be a very happy man!
Gravy has always been a mystery to me. I can’t get the consistency, amount, or taste even close to right. Its possibly hopeless!
I love using pan drippings to make homemade gravy! It tastes the best. Your gravy turned out great! I like gravy on Pork Chops, and I always make gravy on Thanksgiving with the drippings. Yum!
Breakfast gravy staple in my family when we eat a big family breakfast. My whole family (both sides) are very good at making this, but I prefer my husbands to anyone else.
When we were first married I tried to make it myself. It was such a disaster that I have been banned (even 26 yrs later) to even attempting to make it.
I cannot make gravy for the lif eof me. i will have to give this recipe a try. Thanks for sharing.
My dad use to make something very similar and I loved it. My luck hasn’t been as good as his was however
Since you like to cook I am sure you will come up with something to blow those gold toes far! I cook plain and simple although I cannot make gravy to save my hide. My mother passed away last month and after 52 years of marriage my father wants real food not restaurant food so I must learn to make him gravy!
It is not that difficult. Just take your time and pour all your love into your cooking! I am very sorry to hear about your mother, I know how difficult the loss of a parent can be.
If you have a lot of problems with using flour to make gravy, you can try using corn starch. Corn starch really melts in cold water or milk fast, and when you add it to your dripping it thickens right away, so have plenty of liquid to add to the gravy to make it the thickness you want.
This way you won’t have to cook off the flour taste in your gravy – which is why I always mix my flour in my drippings when I use it.
Hope it works for you.
I would love to have your uncle give us his tips for pork chops, too! I have never heard of using hot water–I always used tap water, but I did mix my flour with it first. I also read once that a little salt in the water helps the flour not clump, so I do that and I think it does help. Let us know what you come up with that knocks his socks off.
I am going to have to try making gravy your uncles way. I usually use corn starch to try and thicken it up. Sometimes it just turns out lumpy and flavorless. I like the idea of just adding flour and water to the drippings. Thanks for sharing his secret with us. 🙂
I didnt know to mix the water and flour first. thats a good idea. I dont cool much but Ive tried to make gravy a couple times. It turned out ok but I was so nervous to make it!
Good tips, I find the best gravy was during Thanksgiving, when we used the turkey leftovers! Interested in the pork chop recipe. We’ve been using shake and bake pork chops, would like to know some other way to cook them.
I love homemade gravy but for some reason I have such a hard time making it. It always taste like flour, no matter what I do.
I love this recipe. I make the worst homemade gravy. I have given up and just buy the store brand. yuck. I can’t wait to try this.
This gravy looks wonderful and easy. I think I am going to tackle this recipe I have not yet mastered homemade gravy but practice makes perfect.
haha your uncle needs to teach me his secrets to great pork chops. I’ve been wondering about the cold water, hot water debate on gravy. So glad I read your post. I am going to try the hot water next time.
My mom makes a great gravy. I have no idea how. It always turns out to runny or bland. This looks so great!
Mmmm! I love gravy so I’ll definitely have to try this recipe ASAP! 🙂
I’ll have to give this a try! Gravy is just one of those things I’ve never been able to master, but maybe the hot water trick will help me.
Been working for years on perfecting gravy. Still don’t have it down pat, but will keep trying. I use a similar trick to your hot water/flour mix. I use vegetable broth instead. I think the key to a good gravy is keeping the flour/water (or broth) mix the same temp as the fats (be it butter or meat). They will blend more smoothly.
I make some good homemade gravies myself. Every time we go to someone elses house to eat they always ask me to make the gravy. The best gravy that I make that I love the most is steak gravy – oh yum : ) You just have to do exactly like it directed. Dont ever just put flour or corn starch into the hot liquids – ever . I always mix it with some cold water first then it wont be lumpy gravy
i only tried to make gravy once and it was terrible! my mom said i probably didnt cook it long enough. thanks for the recipe – maybe i will try again now.
My boyfriend makes the best gravy. I never realized until I met him how easy it could be to screw up gravy because I never tried to make it on my own. He makes it look so easy to make perfect gravy.
My problem is the cold water, WHAT, something my lovely mother forgot to mention. I make mine the same exact way, but hey, HOT is the way to a new beginning, lol. Thanks for the tip!!!
I love homemade gravy but have never master the technique even though the recipe and ingredients are so simple. It always comes out lumpy and unseason
I love homemade gravy with toast. The children love bisquits. We usually have it on Sundays. I will have to send this to my sister, she can not make gravy without lumps…lol – Thank you!
I am and always have been gravy challenged. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong – but I’m bookmarking this for my next attempt. Thank you!
I love gravy but never can seem to get it right. I will be using this page for my next try…and I WILL keep trying -because GRAVY!! I do think the trick (that I can’t master) is to keep it all at the same temp…so the water going in isn’t too hot or too cold.
I always find it hard to make gravy I’ve used cornstarch or flour and I still cannot seem to do it right, gets lumpy and then when I get it right and pour slowly into the pan it gets hard and thickens..not sure what I do wrong..some people have the knack and I just don’t..thanks for sharing
Thanks for posting this! I have such a hard time with gravy for some reason! I bought a little gravy mix packet as back up for Thanksgiving. lol
I have never been able to make gravy properly. Guess that gene is missing! Lumpy, runny, those I have mastered. This post has encouraged me to try again. Gravy victory shall be mine!!!!!!
I watched other people make gravy. i tried it once and it was awful. after reading this I will try again. thanks
I love homemade gravy. I need to work on beef gravy. we don’t eat a lot of red meat but I love a good beef gravy.
We’ve made gravy in this fashion for the longest time. You just can’t beat simple. Of course, the better the meat, the better the gravy. Have you ever substituted Corn Starch? There does seem to be a difference.
People who make perfect gravy seem to be just throwing a few things around and stirring. I was just thinking of making gravy to go with homemade biscuits I had made. Now I’m getting ready to make another batch of biscuits and really do want the gravy – have to try this!
Huge coincidence- guess what we had for dinner tonight… Yep, pork chops and gravy! I taught my hubby to make gravy and he’s really good at it now, mmmm!