Ever wonder about the food they ate in the bible. Food is mention a lot an I have often wondered what some of if would taste like. To be honest I have been a bit afraid that it would all be bland and not taste very well at all. Well I am on a mission to discover just what it was like. I am scouring the Internet for recipes, books and more so I can share with you all the food of the bible.
I will be making some of these foods, taking pictures, driving my family up and wall and letting you know just how it all tastes. If by chance you know of a website or cookbook be sure to tell me all about it as I truly want to know. Who knows you may find some recipes adapted and over at Rita Reviews later!
I have already planned my first meal of a simple soup and bread. I found the recipes today and I think that my family will enjoy it especially since the weather is getting cooler. The soup has no meat in it and I am wondering if it would be alright to add a little chicken to give it a little something more.
I think this is going to be a really interesting series. The food of the bible, other than bread and wine, is not something that I have ever really thought about but would love to learn about as well as try.
All I knew about was wine and bred as well. This series came to me in the middle of the night.
Can’t wait to learn of the cookbooks and websites you find with Biblical foods. Thanks for all your hard work with the research. I haven’t had the time to do this yet but have wanted to.
I will have the first post next month in this series.