I know that when you saw the title you are thinking it has free in there so how is there a giveaway but i promise I will get to that in just a few minutes. Do any of you or your children play the piano? I learned when I was younger although I haven’t played in years. While I can teach most things playing the piano is something I cannot teach (along with typing) because I learned to play “my way” which is not really the proper way. My way tends to confuse others.
When I was asked to review FreePianoLessons4Kids.com I was excited to see what I could do with it. I really wanted to know how the lessons were and did they work. Online lessons can be a bit tedious because you don’t have an instructor right there to answer questions you may have. Plus sometimes teachers take for granted what students may already know. According to the site,
FreePianoLessons4Kids is an ideal choice for:
- ANYONE who wants to learn how to play the piano (Perfect for beginners–no prior experience or musical training is required!)
- A parent and child wanting to take piano lessons together
- A piano student who already has a teacher who wants to supplement his or her learning
- Piano teachers who want to learn new tools and techniques for teaching piano to beginners

On FreePianoLessons4Kids site you will find all the video lessons available and they are completely free. You can watch, follow along, pause, and more. The lessons are taught by pianist Joseph Hoffman, MM and must say that he does an excellent job teaching. You learn much more than how to play a few songs, this is a complete program that teaches you how to read and write read and write notes, to read, write, and perform rhythms, and much more. I have never been able to teach my children to play more than a few motes on the piano but they can now play full songs and are working their way through the entire series.
Like I said the videos themselves are free on the site but there are also supplemental activity pages and an mp3 listening album which corresponds to the lessons that there is a charge for. The video lessons themselves work without all the extras but you learn much more with the activities. Each lesson is anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes long and they are designed for ages 5-10 but adults and teens can benefit from these lessons as well. The best part is that 3 readers will each win their very own copies of the Materials for Lessons 1-41, with the Listening Album (a $23.99 value.) Enter below for your chance to win. ENDS: December 30, 2012 at 11:59 pm EST
It looks cool
I think this looks fantastic. I would love for my daughter to learn to play, but being able to do it from home would be fantastic. We can’t add any more lessons to our schedule! 🙂
Facebook Name: Leslie Galloway (www.facebook.com/GallowayLeslie)
It’s an interesting concept. I think with these materials and my knowledge, I could probably teach my son.
I learned when I was a kid and would love to teach my girls
I love the idea. I would love to teach my daughter how to play.