Friday has rolled around again, which means it is time for Friday Cocktails! This week has been a bit slower, thank God! There was only one appointment this week, and it was with the Brian and Spine doctor for my uncle. He has some back issues that we are trying to get taken care of. That is much easier said than done, and I will be honest and say I don’t like this particular doctor. He is rude and arrogant. He is supposed to be one of the best, but I’m glad he isn’t my doctor. Our primary care referred us to him and I’m to the point that I think my uncle needs a second opinion.
I don’t know if it is just that he works on two of the most delicate systems in the human body or if he is just a jerk. He asked for a written statement from my uncle’s cardioloist saying if my uncle was cleared for surgery. No problem. I asked the caridoloigt for one and was told the doctor typically sends them a message or fax and gives the date of the surgery. He wouldn’t write one that was open-ended because my uncle could be cleared for surgery today, but something would happen next month and he wouldn’t be.
When I explained what the cardiologists said, the back doctor said he expected us to get it and not for him to have to do more work. He doesn’t know when he will do the surgery, but without that letter, he wouldn’t even have put my uncle in the book. I polity and y’all should be proud of me. I told him that he would have to make the call because that is the procedure the coronary care office uses and every other office we have ever been to in the last 12 years of my uncle’s being a heart patient does. It is the standard procedure.
Get Outside
I must admit that I was more than a little happy about only having one appointment this week. It meant I could get out and enjoy the nice weather a little bit more. As I have told y’all, I am working towards better self-care. One of those things is to get out more than I do. I know that I need to soak up some sun and get more vitamin D. I also enjoy just being outside and doing things. It doesn’t have to be anything that makes me sweat. That is also the best thing about spring in the south. It is warm but not hot.
I have been taking the time to walk after dinner and not count those miles or steps towards my goal. I don’t want it to be about exercise so much as just taking an after-dinner stroll. Just to be outside in the fresh air. Now if only the pollen would slow down a bit and stop making everything yellow. I mean, I have to take a second shower after my stroll.
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Bea LaRocca says
It was yet another uneventful week for me, nothing new to report, just more of the same, housework and Netflix.
Piroska says
My week was horrible. We had our forth Wednesday in a row, being a snowstorm. And this week, we got a power failure for 2 days, as well. Ugh….I’m so ready for Spring. At this rate, we’ll be lucky to plant our garden and flowers in June!
Sherry says
It was a very good week. Went to the eye doctor and hopefully I will be able to see better soon.
Kari B says
This week was pretty busy at work, but I’ve been looking forward to spending Easter weekend with my sister and her family.
Eva Millien says
Thanks for the giveaway cocktail, it is definitely time to celebrate the end of this week! I agree with you, it’s time for a 2nd opinion, if you don’t like the doctor, you can’t full trust them. Besides why would he want an open ended cleared for surgery letter, it seems to me, he would want to at least protect his self, if the cardiologist sent the letter and the brain/spine doctor waited 3 months to do the surgery, lots of things could have changed~ My daughter just got out of the hospital and we now have tons of doctor appointments and we have to keep up tons of things and high tale back to the hospital if things change before we can get to those appointments because they are not until July for the cardiologist and the renal doctors (it takes too long to get appointments now a days)! Anyway, I hope you continue to have some less busy days and have an awesome new week~
Shirley O says
I had a great week preparing for the Easter holidays. I am looking forward to celebrating with my family.
sandra says
it’s been pretty tame with the kids on spring break
Elaine G says
My week has been preparing for Easter
bn100 says
heather says
My week has been pretty good super fast though can’t believe it is already Friday. I am excited about Easter weekend though love the Lord.
Ashley Parks says
We’ve had a good, but busy week! We’ve been trying to get the garden ready after work and homeschooling each day.
Shelly Peterson says
This week was a little less busy. I had the grandbaby less this week. WE did get some snow last night, but it’s gone today.
tammy ta says
In a word my week was TERRIBLE! Got covid, now no Easter.
Barbara Montag says
This week – appts volunteering getting things done at home.
Nothing too exciting.
Soozle says
My week was mostly horrible, to be honest.
Susan Smith says
I have had a good week. The weather has been nice and I got a lot done. It was nice seeing my family at Easter.
Sarah L says
Got in my swimming twice this week. On Monday I got my 2nd booster.
Had a lovely Easter dinner with my best friend.
Thanks for the contest.
mami2jcn says
Easter weekend was pretty great. My husband was home with us after having been traveling a lot for work, so we were really happy to have him with us. We baked bread together, watched movies, and just enjoyed relaxing.
Sandra Dufoe says
My week has been busy with work tax season is crazy time.
Marisela Zuniga says
I had a calm week, I’ve just been at home relaxing preparing for my baby due soon