Friday has rolled around again, which means it is time for Friday Cocktails! This week has been full of school supplies and sad goodbyes. Summer is over for many households and I know that some parents are sad while others are having cocktails at 7 am! I mean it’s got to be close to 5:00 somewhere right?
The end of summer is always so nerve racking. We were in the store the other days buying supplies and there was a mother in there like she was on a mission. She obviously has done this many of times because it was a get in, grab what we need, and get out thing with her. There were also first time parents. You can always spot them because they are confused even with the school supply list in their hands.
The kids have gone back to school which means they are back with their dad. The holidays will be here before we know it and they will be back again. One thing I never wanted to do as a divorced parent was bash my ex. I spent years raising the kids on my own because he didn’t want them. Then he finds someone new and gets remarried. Suddenly he’s dad of the year? What a crock of crap.
There I got it out. I honestly don’t bash him as much as I could because I don’t want anything I say or write to come back to bite me in the butt. It just hurts that suddenly I’m a bad mother because I have an illness and he is perfect.