Friday has rolled around again, which means it is time for Friday Cocktails! If you are a member of the VIP Group then you already know what is going on. That is where we are currently posting updates. However, I wanted to take the time to give a brief update for everyone else.
Rita is unwell. I don’t know what she wants to be posted here and I don’t want to do anything against her wishes. She has told me to post the updates in the group. So if you want to know more, please head over there. I am helping her out while she is recovering. How long that will take we just don’t know.
That being said, I will be answering emails, managing giveaways, and dealing with any paid work coming in. Luckily Rita is a planner and when I tell y’all she had plenty of articles written for such emergencies, I’m talking like more than 200 articles. God bless her little OCD heart!
I ask that y’all give me a little grace with the emails and giveaways. I am going through them as quickly and efficiently as I can. Don’t worry about book reviews over at Storied Conversation either. Those will still be happening. She can speak and I have been reading her books to her as have other family members. In fact, today we finished the upcoming Lani Lynn Vale and I am working on that review. All I have to say is I need to go back and read that woman’s books!
There will be plenty of articles posting here and I caught up on giveaways over the last couple of days. I will say that I have no idea how she does all of the things she does. It has taken four of us just to manage her daily activities. She takes care of her mom and uncle, manages the house, manages all the bills, works on her blogs, and other work.
I had a good week. I spent time with my daughter and grandkids.
The cold and rain have been annoying, but things are basically okay. I hope Rita feels much better soon, and isn’t adding to her stresses by worrying about us!
A very busy week for me packing and cleaning as we are moving mid-April, there was a doctor’s appointment and grocery shopping and more errands than I can safely list here…
It’s been a long week at work – very stressful. But on a positive note, the weather has been perfect.
My week was a total blur. I have been super busy taking care of a loved one and pets and also keeping the house warm in snow and super cold temperatures. I am ready for a weekend and a little sunshine.
was okay
We celebrate my brother’s 30th birthday today! 🙂 Spent the week planning for that. Got some reading done too.
I am still keep Rita & your whole family in my thoughts & prayers! xo
We experienced a two day blizzard that dumped 16 inch of snow! Besides that I had a dentist appt for a crown….what a week!
I had a good week. It was busy but I got a lot of paperwork done and turned in. We also got new snow that we had to clean up. I have the weekend off so that is a bonus.
This has been the longest week ever. My manager was out all this week and everyone has been coming to me instead. I don’t know how she does it.
It was a good week
Week was… tough.
But what I mist want to say is I am sending all healing vibes Rota’s way! And bless you for managing her blog right now and relieving her of that worry!
I cleaned and did a lot of laundry this week. It seems like laundry is a neverending chore.
It has been a busy week. We have been working on some small home renovation projects.
Been a week of migraines on and off. Had a couple snow storms so stayed in most of the week.
Both my high school boys have had tournaments Thursday – Saturday. I’ve just gotten home from a bunch of games and trying to thaw out.
I had a good week. I visited my son and finished some projects around the house.
It started pretty good but ended pretty bad.
Quiet week to cold to do much but shovel the driveway and read.
There’s always ups and downs of the week..but I choose to only think about the good! The weather is trying to get pretty here and im excited for warmer weather!
This week has been a bit depressing. My grandma is not doing too well and might need hospice care soon.
I was super busy with work. We had dust storms here that deposited about ten million pounds of it into my house! It was kind of a rough one all the way around to be honest.
I’m gearing up for another busy week!
We have had a rough week with a bully neighbor harrassing our child. So…its been tough. But…hopefully things will look up soon!!! Got a little bit of snow overnight….looks beautiful out!