Friday has rolled around again, which means it is time for Friday Cocktails! On top of that it is Friday the 13th! I mean geez! In our home that means Ma won’t be going outside at all. She is a big believer in superstitions and anything that goes wrong today will be blamed on the day.
Of course that couldn’t be anything further from the truth but there you have it. It’s funny the things people believe in isn’t it? I mean for thousands of years people have had various beliefs and superstitions. Even when we think they are weird we still respect them. I just let Ma stay inside today and try not to lose my cool when things go wrong. One year she told me not to leave the house but I did. I had an appointment I couldn’t miss.
I also got killed in an accident and let me tell you, to this day she still reminds me of that moment anytime I have somewhere to go on Friday the 13th. It’s like the dumb thing you did but can’t live down. If I have to run to the store she will say “Don’t die like you almost did that time. I mean it wasn’t your fault that you couldn’t plan better but what will I do without you? I will have to go to a care home, that’s what.” Of course I am rolling my eyes into the back of my head when she says that but I don’t make any remarks. Anyway stay safe out there today! Maybe drink a little champagne at the end of the day and celebrate that you survived. I will be pulling my eyeballs back around because I am sure they are checking out my brain by now.
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Bea LaRocca says
Yet another week of slow recovery from COVID, I had a visit at my doctor’s office on Wednesday and new prescriptions to take for persistent cough and rash. Tired of being sick and tired and longing to get back to my regular routine. Hopefully next week will be better
Rita Wray says
I hope you feel better very soon.
Adriane says
My week has been pretty busy. My job seems to be job hunting!
rochelle haynes says
My week went just fine
Elaine G says
Not much happened this week. Snowing past two days and now heavily. So not going anywhere.
heather says
My week has been a total blur! We are getting a lot of much needed rain and there is a lot of flooding and falling trees everywhere.
bn100 says
was okay
Denise C says
Rain, rain, more rain, and a tiny bit of sun today!
Laurie Nykaza says
Leaks with all the rain have been an issue this week. Now to dry everything out.
Sandra says
Pretty quiet week just doing a lot of driveway clearing snowed every other day.
mami2jcn says
The week started out productive but then towards the end of the week I had sleep problems and ran out of steam.
Rita Wray says
It was good, I saw my grandkids. Always makes me happy.
_Sandra_ says
My week seemed waaay too long and busy.
Jose says
My week has been good. I’m trying to stay productive.
Audrey Stewart says
Another week of cold. I am so over it. Now I have a stray cat that I’m feeding and trying to keep warm. If I can get him into one of my warm shelters I have for them. They are on my porch, covered with pet heat pads inside. I always try and get them inside, but cats are sometimes not reasonable.
Justin wokocha says
Nice !
Shannon says
Well my week has been stressful. My boyfriend is in poor health and I am worried to death about him.
Piroska says
My week has been uneventful. But I guess that’s good. No stress.
xjanelx78 says
It’s been a great week, I got a new job!
Nina Lewis says
Was a bit sick last week and spent this one resting & recovering. Read 2 books & DNFed another one. Finally took down the Christmas stuff. We are still planning my sister’s baby shower. I spent Friday with her shopping for a maternity dress for her & an outfit for me. 🙂
Ward Margaret says
I had my eye’s lifted so I could see better. I have two black eyes and I went back to work looking crazy. I had so many stories to tell about what happened to my eyes but the funny thing was, nobody asked!
Susan Smith says
My week has been busy. I’m decluttering and cleaning out my closets and spare bedroom. I will be making a few trips to our local Goodwill. Other than that I’m just trying to stay warm.
Cassandra D says
Mostly inside reading and watching movies, due to the heavy rain and flooding outside.
Ashley Chassereau Parks says
My week is just getting started. We had a good homeschooling day and the kids had fun at dance and theater today!
LeonieT says
So far having a good week.
Shelly Peterson says
It’s been a good week so far but busy.
Patricia says
Spent the weekend watching my daughter’s school dance team competition.
Natalie says
I had a very busy week, including getting a crown on my tooth, working, grooming and bathing my dog and doing a bunch of errands!
K says
My week has been pretty busy so far!
Kelly D says
I am having a busy week and getting a lot done.
Kathy Fleming says
It snowed here in Flagstaff. Lovely week.
Rose Santuci-Sofranko says
Hmmm….let’s see….Mass on Saturday….watched the Buffalo Bills Win on Sunday, had Monday off….went to the Orthopedist on Tues to discuss if I want spinal surgery (yikes), work on Weds….home today and just played Skippo and Farkle with my cute hubby! God bless!