Friday has rolled around again, which means it is time for Friday Cocktails! It is the beginning of July and a holiday weekend! I am sure that y’all are like me and out getting things ready for whatever event you have planned.
this last week has been full of planning for the fourth and getting last minute things ready for our vacation which starts soon. Ma went to the lung doctor on Tuesday about the nodule on her lung. He sounded encouraging with everything. All of the kids had dental appointments that afternoon. Those were luckily the only appointments.
Other than that I have been prepping meals for the seniors and getting things arranged with someone to check in with them while the kids and I are gone. My ex did call and let me know he and his new wife felt that maybe the kids need to just stay for the summer and not the six months we had originally agreed upon. Normally I would have gotten worked up over that but I am going to just wait and see what is going to happen. I don’t want to fight but we agreed on this new arrangement and I don’t want to change it.
As far as the 4th goes we are heading to Callaway Gardens for the weekend. They have a beach and more going on including fireworks. It will be something fun for us to do and I got us a villa to stay in so we don’t have to worry about driving up there and finding parking. We can easily walk or ride to the beach.
Just something a little different for us to do in our own hometown. Every year I try to do something even if it is just us cooking out in the backyard. I think it is important to take the time to simply celebrate the day for what it is. Of course, maybe it is just that my father always made such a big deal of the day and weekend when I was growing up.
Enter the Giveaway
Sherry says
It was a pretty good week. Did a lot of walking and relaxing.
Sharon Rooney says
My week was busy. Getting ready for the 4th of July holiday party and month and quarter end at work. I’m looking forward to the long weekend.
Kari B says
My week started off relaxing, since I was on vacation. Then it got busy at work, because I had time off.
Susan Smith says
My week has been good. Spent some time at the pool and did some hiking.
Shelly Peterson says
I spent the week watching the grandkids and went to a dentist appointment.
Stephanie LaPlante says
My week was fun. I found my favorite chocolate store. So excited that there is one near me now.
Leela says
It was very busy. We are packing to move.
heather says
My week has been super busy lots of running around and driving around. Oh also the weather was super hot here at the beginning of the week 105 degree and that is way too hot for me.
Eva Millien says
Busy with lots of doctor’s appointments. Hope you and the kids have a great 4th and a great vacation!
Deb Pelletier says
This week has been hot. So I try to do most of the house work early in the day. This holiday day wekend will be fun . Family birthday party. Plus the 4th of july fireworks. 🙂
Adriane says
Decent week, but I’m so sleepy! All the time. May need to adjust my meds
bn100 says
was okay
Ashley Parks says
Our week has been pretty busy. We had appointments for hair cuts and I had a dermatology appointment today. We’ve been deep cleaning the house and sorting things the kids have outgrown.
susan atkins says
My week has been good. I had catarac surgery-Now I can See much better
Cindy Merrill says
Not so good. Both my cats are not feeling well and I’m worried. The Vet thinks it’s an allergic reaction to the new wet cat food I bought.
Barbara Montag says
My week was good.
Pretty busy, lots of fun and necessary things to do.
Shirley O says
Today was a great week. I did a lot of bicycling and walking. The weather has been beautiful.
Kim Kern says
It was a good week. I got some projects done!
Betsy Barnes says
My wk went slow, however, it was also vey relaxing.
Natalie says
I have been busy potty training a new puppy and working. This weekend I am relaxing and spending time on a boat!
Carolyn Daley says
I had a nice week. My nephew stayed with me Tuesday & Wednesday night. I brought out the old GameCube and we played a few games of Mario Party together. I had a variety of ice cream in the freezer so we made ice cream sundaes for dessert with Cool Whip and Hershey syrup.
tammy ta says
My week was same as usual…gone too fast.
Sandra Dufoe says
My week was pretty quiet weather was rainy.
xjanelx78 says
It’s been a pretty decent week – had a long weekend and got to grill outside, then relaxed for the rest of it.
Bea LaRocca says
On Wednesday my eldest grandson and granddaughter came to visit for the day, we had a great day together and I am looking forward to seeing them again before school starts. The rest of my week was average
Kelly Kimmell says
It has been an extremely hectic start of the week for us. It has been so exhausting with the heat too.
Antoinette M says
Great! I visited my mom, worked in my garden.
Sarah L says
It was a good week. Got to go swimming twice and finally got a hair cut.
Thanks for the contest.
Piroska says
It was a good week. My youngest granddaughter had her 3rd birthday party (a pool party). We haven’t been able to see the grandkids as often as we like, so it was wonderful to see them all having a blast.
Amber Lee Kolb says
It’s been pretty quiet! We’ve been trying to stay in more to save money.
Soozle says
Its been a decent week; busy with catching up after a weekend camping!
Marisela Zuniga says
It’s been a good week, nothing special has happened for me this week
mami2jcn says
My week was uneventful. I’m looking forward to fall weather.
Megan Allen says
My week was crazy and not fun. I hope everyone had a great holiday. Thank you for the opportunity and good luck everyone!