Friday has rolled around again, which means it is time for Friday Cocktails! This week has been a good week. I did have a bit of a family emergency but we all came together and things are improving. It is just one of those things that life throws at you sometimes.
As you know we also started vacation last week and while things have been good I haven’t had the time off that I thought I was going to be getting. It has totally not been a work related thing. Just the emergency and a few other things that have left me in work mode. Well, more like serious big sister mode.
Hopefully now things are starting to look a little more even and I can enjoy the rest of our trip. Next week we will be off to Nashville and then Charleston after that. Both of those trips are ones I am looking forward to. Each is short but there are things we want to do and see in each city.
The Charleston trip is actually a last minute thing that my brother mentioned the other day. My sister in-law made a remark about wanting some good seafood, like you get at the beach. I agreed with her and then next thing I know my brother is like lets drive to Charleston for the day, maybe overnight, and we can spend a little time there plus get some seafood.
He reminds me so much of my dad when he does things like this. My dad would wake up on a Saturday morning and be like lets go wherever. We were always going on adventures and checking things out. Not to mention, my brother has done so well this week. He got a promotion at work and I couldn’t be prouder of him. He worked so hard for this and deserves.
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Sherry says
I had a good week I spent time with my sisters.
Kari B says
It’s a busy week at work, and I’m so ready for the weekend!
Stephanie LaPlante says
My week has been pretty relaxed. Getting ready to see family from out of town.
bn100 says
Shelly Peterson says
My week was pretty relaxing.
heather says
My week was busy lots of things to do. I had to go to the dentist for a check up and all is perfect so that was super good news.
Eva Millien says
It was a little slower this week, so that’s good, I needed the break, Good news: My mammogram came back with no abnormalities…Yay! Have to wait and see news, my granddaughter has to scopes done stomach and rectal. Not so great, wait and see news, my mom has to have a rectal scope done because her test game back positive, we haven’t got to talk to the doctor on that! My daughter is holding, although we had to cancel her heart stress test because the prednisone withdrawal is kicking her butt, they put you on meds to help you, but when they start taking you off them… you better watch out! I’m glad that you and your family are having a great vacation!
Susan Smith says
My week was nice. I spend time with my family at the pool and with my sister who is in town for the week.
Ashley Parks says
I had a pretty good week. My kids all went to VBS this week and mostly had a good experience. My youngest was a little sad when mommy would leave him each day, but he was brave!
Elaine G says
Not a good week. Had migraines most of it. Hopefully this week will be better
Piroska says
My week was okay. The weather was great. The mosquitoes, black flies, no see-ums, and now deerflies were insane. We have twice as many as last year. Very hard to work in the gardens.
Betsy Barnes says
This past week was very productive. Did some heavy cleaning in my kitchen, mostly the stove, and got rid of clutter.
Barrie says
As always, a busy week. 3 dogs, mom with dementia, and hubby was gone with work. Still, life is blessed!
Cheryl B says
It was a good week. Lots of down time.
Sarah L says
I got to lead a tour in the Sensory Garden for the first time in 3 years.
Thanks for the contest.
Kim Kern says
It was a good week, enjoying dog sitting my grand puppies.
Cindy Merrill says
My week has been very eventful! We joined a church, had our new cat spaded and now plan to join a health club as well.
xjanelx78 says
I had a decent week! Got to catch up on some rest this past weekend and enjoy a good book!
Soozle says
Im in a place of limbo right now.. It’s been a tough go
Marisela Zuniga says
It hasn’t been the best week. My 2 month old and me are recovering from covid
Bea LaRocca says
It was another slow week for me, nothing noteworthy to report
Kelly Kimmell says
My week has been pretty busy for only being Tuesday. Had an appointment with the chiropractor yesterday too.
Cassandra D says
I had a great week this week.
Donna Cheatle says
Rough week, but I made it through it!
Sandra Dufoe says
This week has been to hot to do anything just staying indoors reading.
Adriane says
Trying not to panic about finances – started posting stuff on Offer Up!
Barbara Montag says
Have stressors going on so have been a chaotic week,.
Chels CB says
My week was HOT. Too hot to tackle much!
mami2jcn says
My week was hectic with a lot of dentist and eye exam appointments.