Friday has rolled around again, which means it is time for Friday Cocktails! Last night was travel day and it was a long drive let me tell you. It of course is all worth it as we have several things lined up to do and then a free day or two just to try and do all the thing we want to.
Any road trip with my brother is always fun. He sits in the back seat so he can relax and feel like he is being chauffeured around. Doesn’t matter how long the drive is, he’s in the back. His smelly feet either between the two seats on the console or on the passenger side between the door and the seat. Either way I’m getting the full force of his stank feet.
He asks for food and the bathroom every five minutes because it drives his wife up a wall. She hates stopping and I swear the moment we pull out of the drive he starts with his “I’m hungry.”, “Are y’all gonna feed me.” ” I need to pee”, and “Are we there yet?” She’s ready to punch him by the time we get to where we’re going. You can’t put the snacks next to him because he will eat them all.
He is the most annoying person to travel with and I love it. I wouldn’t want to travel with anyone else. The kids love traveling with him as well. He always had some remark to make or something stupid to do just when it seems like everyone has had enough.
None of us have been to Nashville before other than passing through so this will be a treat for everyone. The kids are going to love it. I will share pictures when I take them. I don’t plan on doing to much of that this trip as I want to fully enjoy the experience and be present.
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Kari B says
I had a very nice and relaxing week. Got to spend some time with my family and enjoy Summer.
Bea LaRocca says
Nothing of import happened this week unless you count the heatwave here, it has been in the mid-nineties all week and I don’t have AC in my room, only a fan so I pretty much lay around like a beached whale for a few hours every afternoon.
mami2jcn says
My week was hectic with dentist and eye doctor appointments.
Shelly Peterson says
My week was pretty normal. Spent time planning my daughter’s bridal shower.
Susan Smith says
I had a quiet week. I had a couple of appointments and took my daughter swimming a couple of times.
K says
Been going through a summer heat wave where I live! Too hot to even go outside at times!
Eva Millien says
Sounds like y’all are having fun, last week was pretty slow and no new news going on! Continue having a fantastic vacation~
Stephanie LaPlante says
My week was wonderful. I saw family from out of town and spend time with my cousin who haven’t seen since I was little. It was quite amazing to reconnect.
bn100 says
Ashley Parks says
My week was good! We got to see some friends and swim in the pool! It was fun!
Elaine G says
It has been really hot here this week so I haven’t done much.Read a lot.
Sarah L says
Pretty quiet week. Did get a mammogram and some swimming.
Sherry says
It was somewhat boring.
Cindy Merrill says
My husband is under the weather with a bad lung infection, last night he was able to sleep through the night, which he hasn’t done since last Saturday when he went to the ER. It’s been a tough week.
Cindy Merrill says
Very stressful week.
Soozle says
My week was uneventful; I made a big decision and it brought a little temporary peace to my life
heather says
My week was so busy but so nice and I really got a lot of me time in feel a lot better.
Natalie says
I just got a puppy so my week has bee busy with picking up after her!
xjanelx78 says
It’s been a great week!
Antoinette M says
Great! I went on a bike ride and worked in my garden!
Barbara Montag says
This week has been busy with lots to do.
Adriane says
Pretty busy week
BlackAsphodel says
It’s been really hot, so I’ve stayed indoors or in air-conditioned malls. 🙂
Shirley O says
I had a great week. It was quiet and relaxing and I have been making the most of the beautiful weather.
Tina F says
My week has been busy getting ready for our daughter and granddaughters to fly in next week. I am so excited.
Marisela Zuniga says
It’s been a great week. We celebrated my little sister’s 15th birthday over the weekend
Sandra Dufoe says
It was a nice quiet week for me weather cooled down finally.
Piroska says
My week was kind of blah. The weather’s been shitty, didn’t get much gardening done.
More mosquitoes with the wet weather.
Oh, well. August has to be better.
Christy Peeples DuBois says
My Mother had covid last week and I feel blessed that she is about back to normal and that I didn’t get it.