Friday has rolled around again, which means it is time for Friday Cocktails! Guess what y’all? I took the entire weekend off! I haven’t been able to do that since my vacation. Most of the past year so far has been me saying I was taking it but instead doing work. I am always doing work it seems. I was looking at my Google calendar the other day because I was creating a new one and I thought “Good grief!” There were so many. I do so many different things. I had to stop and ask myself if all of it was actually needed.
One of the things that I noticed is that I have two direct sales businesses listed that I don’t promote that much. Why? Mostly because I joined for the discounts I receive on mine and Ma’s hobby supplies. Yes the calendars are listed for anything big but when I pulled back a little and looked at the overall big picture my calendar wasn’t as crazy as it looked. Either way the point of all of this was to celebrate that I took the weekend off!

I know I haven’t updated y’all in a little while of the senior citizens here at home. I used to write about them every week. I did a full on Life at Shady Pines update this week for y’all. I felt it was something I needed to do. Taking care of the seniors is something I never thought I would be the one doing. My older brother (the one I don’t talk to much) called a couple of months ago to do his usual rant about how worthless everyone but him is.
During the call he made the remark that I have no life because I choose to have no life. I was the one who elected to take on the old people and I have no one to blame but myself for the fact that I am alone now and have no life. My first thought was a big old F You! He makes me so angry sometimes. He calls like once every six months to a year. But I digress. I asked him “Who else was going to do it?” The answer was no one. I have two brothers and a sister. None of them would have taken on the seniors. My youngest brother at the time my father died was still in high school. When Ma came to live with me, so did he.
Anyway, I like my life. Yes, there are days I’m lonely but all in all it is a good life. One that I carved out for myself. The point of the story though is after he moved onto another subject he was in the middle of a rant when he stopped to say “Don’t you leave them though.” Guess he was worried I would run away and he would have to take care of them. Then he went back to his rant and I had to pretend there was someone at the door so I could finally hang up. Four hours listening to him complain is more than anyone should have to do.
Friday Cocktail Giveaways
The giveaways for these posts will begin again in October. I want to see how the Rafflecopter does in the Month in Review post and a couple of other ones. I don’t want to have a bunch of them running and then they not work. That will leave me scrambling attempting to fix them.
Glad you took a break 🙂