Friday has rolled around again, which means it is time for Friday Cocktails! Can you believe it is already the end of September? I mean where in the world did the year go? One thing is true, the older you get…. the faster time seems to fly by. It seems like yesterday we were welcoming in a new year.
Now we are getting ready for the holiday season. I mean let’s face it October 1st is the official start of the holiday season and I don’t just mean Christmas. Although I would like to say, who in the world decided that the last three months of the year needed to have the three biggest holidays in them? We spend more money in the ;last quarter of the year than we do at any other time.

So what are we up to? Well, we are taking a little break this weekend. Just a little time to enjoy the Saturday Market in town, go to my favorite little French café and have a coffee or hot chocolate. Just slow down and enjoy the fact that it won’t be a hundred degrees. Enjoy the changing leaves and all that makes fall so wonderful.
Friday Cocktail Giveaways
The giveaways for these posts will begin again in October. I want to see how the Rafflecopter does in the Month in Review post and a couple of other ones. I don’t want to have a bunch of them running and then they not work. That will leave me scrambling attempting to fix them.