One thing I have learned over the course of the last two weeks is that funerals bring out the best and the worst in people. We had three different funerals to go to and when it was all over I told my sister in-law that I have enough material to write posts for six months. Although my cousin said ” Don’t you blog about this!” Yeah right! As a blogger I share so everyone is fair game.
First because I talk to my cousin (she is in the hated club) I am not very liked or at least that is how it seemed. Which is perfectly fine because my cousin is my best friend and she is great. It was so funny because all of us cousins who grew up together spent most of our time together. However there was a definite them and us feel to all of the events.
There were moments that we all cried and laughed but the entire adventure (yes it was an adventure) was surreal in so many different ways. Don’t worry I will be sharing all the dirt and laughter with you. Like I said there was just so many different things that went on there was no way I was not going to share. After all my Grandpa was carried to the grave site on the back of his truck! That’s right and there is a whole story there!!
It seems that way for every funeral I have ever been too. I remember my uncle’s funeral, because the younger kids all laughed and talked about how he was. The older generation got mad at us for carrying on like that at his funeral, but everyone who knew him knew that’s the exact kind of funeral he would have wanted. I am looking forward to reading your stories about your experiences.
My cousin said she was going to write a tell all book! First three funerals and then stuck in Atlanta for 23 hours. No one was ever going to believe all of it.
When I die I hope that there is a lot more laughing and carrying on than there is crying. Laughter is what I would prefer people remember about the day. Perhaps some of your family just doesn’t have your awesome sense of humor!
They have a sense of something that would be just too rude to say. I am like you I want laughter and no crying
Yes family can be funny at time, I don’t remember ever witnessing something funny at a funeral, do tell!!
Oh where to start…
You certainly know how to hook a reader! Can’t wait to read all the juicy details. Seems a shame that rivalries would come into play even at a funeral, but that’s families for you.
That is families for you. I had hoped that everyone would be interested and I am so glad you all are.
Wow carried on the back of a truck now that is interesting. When I go I want as little spent on me as possible. I guess it is the frugal side of me. I am looking forward to hearing more about this whole experience and how it was for you.
Yep! There is a whole hilarious back story to all of that and I promise to share it all with you.
I always thought it was just my family that acted goofy at funerals. At my uncles funeral my cousin was telling all these stories about his dad that had us laughing so hard. Then I find out that his sister wouldn’t talk to him for days because of all the stories he told. I thought it was the way I would like more funerals to be, tell all the funny, happy stories. Remember the good times, not the bad. I look forward to hearing more stories about your family.
See for me I would have enjoyed the stories. Those stories are the memories that make us who we are.
I never ever did like to attend funerals. For this reason! Thinking about it gives me the chills. To see a loved one lost is so hard. I am glad you had moments of alot of feelings. Take care and keeping you in my prayers.
Thank you. I have never been a fan of funerals either. I knew there would be relatives I hadn’t seen in a long time and I knew going in there were plenty of hard feelings.
I came back hoping that they was a post, I’ll be checking daily…lol I need some laughter!
I promise there will be more posts. In fact over the weekend I am going to be writing and scheduling all of my posts here for this month.