I don’t know about all of you but around here when it gets as hot as it has been we grill every night. It is simply too hot to turn on the stove so we really make use of our Z-Grills 450a. One thing though is that we haven’t really had any great tools to help us with that until now. Crave Tools had just the set I needed and when they asked me to review it I was overjoyed!
I received the BBQ Grill Tool Set and was really surprised how high-end this particular set was. I know that if you check out the product page it says high-end but lets be honest I have seen high-end on this that wouldn’t even rate a low-end. They are sturdy and have a decent weight to them. They are not heavy though. The set is made of stainless steel which I love. In the set you get Spatula, Tongs, and a Fork.
The Spatula is great because it has the serrated edge which I’m going to be honest and say that I am sure it has a specific purpose but I use to cut into the meat and check it. The Tongs are AWESOME!! They really grab a hold of things like corn on the cob better than regular kitchen tongs. In fact I use them in my kitchen as well. All in all this is a great set to have and will be on my gift giving list for the holiday season this year.
Buy Your Own Set
You can buy the BBQ Grill Tool Set at Crave Tools or at Amazon! Use code VLOMCLTN to receive a 20% Discount!
This is a really nice set of grilling tools. You were right when you said that they are high end tools. I like the look of these and my husband would love a new set!
These look awesome. I love the big handle on the end, so I can hang from the grill. We could sure use a nice grilling tool set.
My husband does the grilling at our house. He has a tool set but it has wood handles and he doesn’t care for them. These look really nice! A great idea for Father’s Day next year.
Love that they are stainless steel!! I bet they will last forever!! Great tools 🙂 Would be perfect for any grillmaster!!
These make mine look like they should be in the trash, very nice!
My husband loves to grill, so this would make a great gift for him.
Nice long tongs; have have burns a number of times from short ones.
Im pretty sure this is the set my dad uses. They look really nice and the long handles are great
These look nice and sturdy. I would love to have a set for my home.
These would make a great gift for all those grillers I know! They always seem to be improvising and don’t have good grill tools. I’d love to have a set, too.
This sounds like a great set and would make a nice present. Thank you for sharing with us.