When the twins were in diapers I can tell you that I loved using cloth diapers. Yep you read that correctly. I just liked not having to spend a fortune on diaper. Had I known back then about All the Fluff I can tell you right now that I would have subscribed.
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All the Fluff is a monthly subscription box that sends you a cloth diaper along with other accessories every month. You can can customize your box based on gender, quantity, and frequency which is awesome. They provide diapers that are one size fits all or cover a similar weight range. There is no telling which type of diaper you will receive either. You could receive an AIO (All In One), pocket style, Fitted (AI2), or a cover. Trust me when I tell you covers are just as important. Check out what we received:
That a lot of stuff isn’t it. I selected the neutral box because I wasn’t sure which niece was going to be using the box and wanted to have one for either of their little ones.
This is the “Dream On” pocket diaper from Hip Huggers Cloth Diapers and it is super awesome. It has a charcoal fleece inside, leg gussets, and is so soft. It is also fairly thick. When it comes to cloth diapers thickness matters and this is one that passes the overnight water test with flying colors. If you have been with me a while you know that all diapers go through the overnight water test where I pour 20 oz. of water in the diaper and leave it over night.
The idea is that if there is water all over the place the next day the diaper wouldn’t be able to handle the twins. At the time at least, cause they could tinkle something fierce let em tell you. This one had no leakage in the pan. The 5 layer charcoal bamboo blend insert really helped hold all of the moisture in. I would feel comfortable putting the twins in this diaper and had no problem giving it to my niece to use.
Is this not the cutest thing you have ever seen? It is a diaper on a keychain! It unsnaps and all. I love this and actually refused to give it up. I have it clipped on my diaper bag (yes I still have to carry one and I will tell you all about it later) to give it a little flair. I have never seen one before and am not certain if it is exclusive to Hop Huggers Cloth Diapers and All the Fluff or not.
Okay my babies are too big for these and when they were little they would have been either too big or small. They seemed to go from being so tiny to huge in the matte of a few months. However once my niece’s little boy is big enough I am more than certain that these will be making their way into lots of summer photos. His little head is just a bit too small. His head hasn’t yet caught up to his body.
I am not 100% sure about the benefits of peppermint oil but the smell of it is fabulous. I love to put a little on for a pick me up during the day. Also it seems to be one of the few smells right now that doesn’t set off Sam’s asthma. Have I told y’all lately how much that sucks? If not it does!
This wall art is super cute and I am certain that my niece will find the perfect place for it. I thought about using it in Maggie’s room but the girls share and since they are at different ages that didn’t seem wise. It is those wall stickers that you can put up and then take down whenever you want to. I love the invention of these and the fact that I can change a room with very little work.
Who doesn’t love a piece of chocolate? I am a sucker for it and will honestly admit that this barley made into the photos. I had to do the video and photos as soon as the box arrived because around here candy doesn’t last long. It’s like they can smell it.
You can subscribe to All the Fluff on Cratejoy and rest assured they ship worldwide. If you love the diaper and want to know more check out Hip Huggers who are the brains behind All the Fluff!
Oooh That’s a really good idea! I’m stashing this link away!