When you think of getting money tips who do you think about getting them from? Well I recently read this article Money Tips from Experts and after thinking about I realized who better to get money tips from. Just think about it wouldn’t you just love to get advice n how to handle your money from the likes of Warren Buffet and Jennifer Caolina, both of whom I might add give a tip in the article.
I am great when it comes to money but even I admit that I could do better.I know we don’t have enough saved for retirement much less the recommend $1000 in savings for emergencies. We do have an emergency fund but it only has a few hundred dollars in there mainly because a weekend away tends to be an emergency sometimes for us.
I really found some very useful tips such as “Invest in yourself” from Paul Clitheroe which is something that I think we all know to do but end up not following through many times. Isn’t it funny how an article can sometimes bring your attention to things,like money, that you may not always think about. I don’t worry too much about money which means I probably don’t plan as much as I should. I was always taught don’t worry about tomorrow because God will provide us with what we need. I wonder what Warren Buffet would think about that mentality towards money.
I’m not sure we have the kind of money that Warren Buffet manages! lol We are more like you describe–not enough saved for retirement and not quite enough for emergencies. Somehow we get by, though. I do love Warren Buffet’s speaking out for a fair tax code for the wealthy in this country.
I think the majority of people have not saved enough for retirement. I know I haven’t, I was a single mother for too many years there was no way to save then . We have to work on building up a savings for emergencies.
I think everyone could work on managing their money better. I know we could. My husband is very on top of our retirement fund. We have had to help my mother out for years because she and my father never planned for retirement. We have seen the effect first hand what not planning does. We don’t want to put that burden on our children.
I couldn’t agree more, we are planning for the future and have a small emergency fund but just like you we know it is not enough. And we also tell ourselves not to worry. It seems that ever since we had children we are truly less worried about our own futures and more worried about our children’s. Honestly I would rather live with a tight belt and no simple luxuries than for my children to not be able to attend college.
Agreed! I am still quite young but I have already put up a retirement fund and college for my boys. I am all about budgeting and saving.
i agree sometimes a weekend getaway is an emergency….we have savings right now but the hard part is not dipping into it
I have an emergency fund in case of an emergency! I have always done this because you never know when you will need the money for some unexpected expense. I have always been smart and saved money!
I get money tips from several different places. I use the ones that suit me and my lifestyle. Some I find handy and some I find a little out there but as long as I am saving that is good.
The greatest money tip I imagine would be actually having an experience when you were desperate for money and it was a serious situation (like a health emergency). You learn very quickly after those events about the importance of pre-planning for the worst.
Getting money tips from Warren Buffet would be nice, depending on which side of the political fence you land on. He would probably encourage you to be generous with your money, in terms of charitable giving. It’s very interesting to think about, even though it kind of veers off of the intention of your article. Sorry for the tangent… 🙂
When you have the kid of money Buffet has, it is eassy to give out adice about savings aand retirement. We have an emergency fund and thats about it
I have some retirement saving.. but I mostly worry about my husband. He doesn’t have much of anything saved. He is working a job now that has a 401K, but he has pulled back the amount he saves.
Well, I wouldn’t put much stock in what Warren Buffet says considering most of his money was made from insider trading, but I like your attitude about God providing. I’ve dealt recently with someone who is totally materialistic and she will probably end up very rich but poor in the spirtuality part, which is sad.
thanks for the article. it had some great tips in there. i am going to save it so i can come back to look at it every so often to remind myself.
I think that a lot of people have not start a retirement fund yet because it seems like it is too far away.
I listen to everyones ideas when it comes to saving money and choose who I want to listen too.
Somehow we always manage to come up with the money when we need it, but I know we need to save more. We have a car and two kitchen appliances that are likely to break down any day and no money saved to replace them. I guess we’re like most people that way.
Money tips, even if they’re not appropriate to our life, at least remind us to pay attention to where our money is going and to try to do better.