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I rarely buy a DVD anymore! I am serious, most of the DVDs that I get now are the ones sent to me for reviews. I use Netflix and stream everything on my D link box because it is so much easier. I can watch in the living room or the bedroom and not have to take the movie from place to place. If I have to stop in the middle of a movie and then come back to it later I can without having to fast forward to where I was.
So when I began cleaning out and organizing the house room by room I ended up with several boxes of DVDs that I no longer needed or wanted. I have converted many of our movies to Ultraviolet so I can have them with me wherever I go which is a life saver when you have kids. I mean if you leave the house without their favorite movie you have to hear about the entire time. So the big question was what in the world was I going to do with all of these DVDs. First I tried to give them away to my family and friends who may like them. What I discovered is that just about everyone I knew had converted to using Netflix and Ultraviolet like me.
The homeschool videos I had I was able to donate to the school but then I was left with action movies and more. Luckily I was able to go online and after a little research I located an online shop that would purchase my DVDs and CDs for cash. So after all those years and all that money spent, we were members of one of those monthly clubs, I was able to earn a little off those DVDs that we no longer watch or need. Now what to do with that money…..I am thinking some new shoes for mama!
Congrats on your new pair of shoes! I knew when I saw the title of this post that I would love it. My son has the same issue and when he moved out a couple of weeks ago I inherited his cast-offs. At least I know what I can do with them. I am curious about this Ultraviolet you mentioned. I have no idea what that is.
Good for you making back a little bit of money. I have seen the picture of your favorite pair of shoes. so I say Yes to new shoes! All kidding aside the last time we went through all our old movies, we donated them to our local library. Which believe it or not, they still have some VHS movies. 🙂 I have never heard of Ultraviolet. I will have to check it out. Thanks for the tip.
New shoes sounds like a fun way to spend the money. We had a garage sale not too long ago and got rid of a ton of unwatched DVDs.