One of the things that was really important for me this year was to begin eating healthier and work on getting stronger. What I discovered in my search was that there was a product that I already purchased for my children that I should be drinking as well….MILK. I know! I remember growing up and hearing my mother say “drink your milk” or worst “don’t drink the milk out of the carton like that!” but as an adult I seem to have gotten away from it. So now I am starting the year off Fuertes Con Leche (Strong with Milk) and am hoping that you all will as well.

Milk is a great replacement to get rid of all those sugary drinks, I love getting 2% milk or skim. Sometimes I may buy whole milk but I also only buy organic, milk Is a daily drink in our home as well.
I have found that even I am enjoying more than I ever did in the past.
Very important for the whole family
Yes it is very important for the whole family.
During the winter especially it is very important to get vitamin D. Milk and dairy are a great source. Calcium is an added benefit too. We ave always drank whole milk and every person I know aalso does and shows no ill effects.
I drink milk every day, both 1% for smoothies, etc. and 2% for coffee. Lovin’ it! I’d love to try banana milk – oh boy!