I have been working hard to get on track and get everything caught back up. When you have to take time off that you didn’t plan it can throw a monkey wrench in things. I will be able to be on the new schedule starting March so I have two more weeks full o f reviews and things to get straight. I am almost there and I realized a few things!
First I learned how much you all love when I have giveaways and I want to offer a great giveaway or two that are lengthier but so much more worth it. Usually a large giveaway like the camera ones run about a month. I know that you all love those and I know how much the newsletter subscribers enjoy the extra entries but I also know that only being able to take them once in a long giveaway can be a pain.
Secondly I have learned that putting myself first is NOT a bad thing. It has really helped to focus and get myself on track. BiCultural Kitchen will launch on March 1st and there will be posts over there three days a week. It will also launch with a fabulous long giveaway as well. One that is geared more towards the kitchen. Crossroads Media Hub will be having a giveaway soon as well. Which is great and the best part is that you don’t have to be a member to enter the giveaway. Things are going so well over there.
I have been updating things everywhere and feeling great! Since I know how much you all love cameras I am going to do another giveaway of a bundle but as I said it will be a longer giveaway. If I run it longer when it ends I can then do another big giveaway. My new plan is to do a major giveaway every three months. Here is a little information about the bundle:
- This Kit includes 14 items all with USA Warranty and manufacturer’s supplied accessories
- Canon EOS Rebel T3i 18MP CMOS Digital SLR Camera and DIGIC 4 Imaging – EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS II SLR Zoom Lens – Canon EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6 III Telephoto Zoom Lens
- 16 Gigabyte SDHC Secure Digital Memory Card – Focus Secure Digital USB Card Reader – Focus Universal Memory Card Wallet – Focus Pack of LCD Screen Protectors
- Additional LP-E8 Rechargeable Lithium-ion Replacement Battery Pack – Focus Well Protective SLR Camera Gadget Bag with Pockets & Strap
- Focus Full Size 59″ Tripod W/Case – Focus DVD Guide to Digital SLR Cameras – Focus 5pc Dlx Lens Care & Cleaning Kit – HDMI cable for HDTV connection – Focus TV Flashlight Remote – BONUS!! Free 25 Quality Prints
Enter below for your chance to win! Giveaway ENDS June 3, 2014 at 11:59 pm EST
I’m a list maker!
I’m not one for lists, I just have to set my mind to do something and I’ll do it.
Getting on track for me is bit more organic. If I make lists or schedule things, I feel too bound by those things. The best way for me to get on track it to let be intentional, but not too rigid.
I like to make a list, and look at my calendar. I love checking off things and seeing I’m a week ahead of my homework.
I do a couple of things to keep me on track.
I make a list of To Do Items each day. On that list is just your run of the mill everyday things to get done.
My other thing is I set Appointment Reminders on my cellphone.
I schedule things to be done on my cellphone calendar with a reminder. When the reminder goes off, if I haven’t completed it I snooze it for 10 minutes. I do that until I have actually completed the item. Some days my phone is beeping at me all day. 🙂
I do a list of the things I need to have accomplished and try to keep on schedule…not always easy to do!
I also do all my appointments and reminders on my phone , that is really helpful and allows me to keep track of all family members activities and appointments.
For my Bills I keep them in an Excel spreadsheet and highlight them once paid. This seems to work pretty well for me. I need to start using my iPhone for reminders and scheduling. At work I use Outlook reminders.
i have mental and physical lists and I love to check things off.
I use several technology tools to help me stay on track. I love making lists and synching them on all my devices using Evernote. I have a spreadsheet for all kinds of things such as budgets and Christmas lists. I also rely heavily on Google calendar.
Thanks for the chance to win!
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
I would be lost without my calendar on my laptop. I’m also a big list maker.
I try to use lists often with daily tasks. I also try to plan ahead for certain things, like with meal planning.
Im a compulsive list maker. I’ve started to have to color code for business stuff, mom stuff, and home stuff!
I use to do lists to stay on track. I also have used some apps on my phone to help me as well. Keeping organized is essential when you have tons to do. We just moved and all our stuff is in u haul boxes. I had to think of every thing i packed and in the right order so that i could add access it later.
Oh. I am looking forward to the bicultural kitchen. Sounds amazing.
Diana C
I Use List’s It Helps Me Stay On Track And Organized.
I am a listmaker (love checking things off as I complete them!) but my problem is I always get OFF track again. Clutter is my biggest problem. I seem to be always drowning in paper.
Im a list person, i write everything down and have a calendar handy its the only way i stay on track of things.
Yes I always make a list and write everything on the calendar, staying organized is something that I struggle with so having everything on a list and calendar is so helpful
What’s this mythical track and where can I find it. I usually just have to take a deep breath and tackle through the stuff i need done. My husband is a list person so sometimes I’m nice and help him tackle a page. He’s home after being on the road for more than 10 months so i bet his list is a book by now…
I am such a list person! I make a list of the lists I need to work on (kidding). Organization is not my strongest point, so having lists really helps me out in that department for sure!
To get back on track on take a walk by myself to clear my head. Then I make a list an organize what I need to do.
I use lists and my planner to keep me on track. I try to make a daily to-do list and then priortize the list in order to get things that are really important done first. It doesn’t always work – especially when I don’t actually make the list.
My husband is the list maker. Can’t say I am. I just have a tendency to keep it all in my head or on the calendar.
I have to use a list for EVERYTHING. I have tried to sway away from that, but if I don’t write it down, I will forget. That’s what keeps me sane and on track!
When I am really serious, a paper list still works best for me. I keep daily reminders in my phone also.
Writing things down in the form of a list….or a note to self….def helps me. I also use my cell phone calendar to remind me of tasks.
I get on track by using my planner religiously. I use to keep my schedule, I color code by what part of life it fits into, I check things off as they happen, and I make to do lists. IT’S A LIFESAVER.
I’m one of those procrastinators that work best under pressure and a deadline. I tend to leave things until the last minute and then get them done in a burst.
Definitely a list, I also like to draw things out and plan ahead of time and make room for error because life is always filled with the unexpected!
I rely on lists and lots of notes!
I use lists to help keep me on track.
I set a time,then stick to it. For example, I might start getting back on track with eating after a grocery shopping day. Or start after a trip. It seems like having a time set lets me get mentally prepared.
I don’t actually do lists. I make a mental note to myself of what things I should prioritize and then do them first. 🙂
Lists work for me, especially when I’m feeling particularly overwhelmed and don’t know where to start
I am a list gal. I need my lists. I am lost without them.
I make lists on the notes section of my phone and put lots of alerts on the phone calendar.
I use lists, reminders on my phone, calendar and email. I also sort and stack bills by date in a pile w/ due dates written on outside to keep me on track.
I get things done as I think about what needs to be done.
I am a list woman! Need it to get it done! lol
I have lists for everything!
My calendar on my phone
Lists are my best friend! And my calendar!
My calender on my phone helps to get me on track.
I always have to make lists! If I don’t then I am very forgetful.
I love lists because I’m a very forgetful person and they help a lot!
without writing things down I forget everything I want to do. lists do help me a lot
I have been OFF the track for a good long time. But derailed does not mean you are done. So, I have learned to delegate more to work as a team. The things I have to do my self I keep right close and in piles to take care of…and have always used a list. Using a cell phone for schedule and to text others in the family to keep them up on things we have to do is key also. Keeping them informed is keeping them forewarned of schedules and duties. And also fun events too!
Music also helps me keep on track. I’d be lost without that and keeping in touch with family and friends to keep SOME upbeat times on our journey.
I am a huge list maker. I write everything down AND use post-it notes as a constant reminder of what needs to be done. I also keep every appointment on my calendar at home and on my phone. As a working mom of three if I don’t stay organized I am totally lost.
I use a computer program called Time and Chaos. Keeps me on track.
Thanks for the contest.
I am definitely a list maker…my husband tells people that even my lists have lists !
I’m an organization-aholic! Haha. I make lists, keep a detailed calendar, and do my best to juggle everything! I would looove to win this bundle. It would completely change my life! My fingers and toes are crossed! Thank you for hosting such an amazing giveaway. Sending good thoughts your way 🙂
I am a huge list maker.It seems to always work for me and keep me focused on what needs to happen.
My iPhone calendar keeps me on track. I’d be lost without it.
Lists definately help me. I can ‘t get organized without one.
Making a list and setting goals helps me get and stay on track.
I put myself in a grateful state of mind. Whenever I get down or discouraged, I turn my thoughts right back around and focus on the positive in my life. Before I know it, I’m back on track!
Setting goals and making a lists definitely helps me stay on track. I have fibro fog, so writing things down is super helpful! LOL 😀
I keep lists to help me stay organized. I’ll write them and set notifications on my phone to remind me since I usually have my phone with me.
I am definitely a list maker. I love to use my dry eraser board to make my lists.
to keep the record of my earrings blog!
I definitely have to write everything down. I then stick it to my fridge with a magnet so I don’t lose it!
I have to write myself notes and mark them off. If everything is marked off ive accomplished alot!
I make list for most things or else I don’t remember them.
I make lists but more importantly for me I need a clean slate, so I make sure the house and office are supper clean and then I can set my sights on that project I always wanted to get done.
I make lists with checkboxes and check them off when I’ve accomplished the task!
I’m rather forgetful and keeping lists works best for me.
one of the ways for my to stay on track is to have a to do list for the day or week
I use a list! It’s the ONLY thing that works for me. I make a ton of lists, but give myself time to still be lazy after I do a certain number of tasks so I don’t get burnt out and want to stop
I have to strike when the iron is hot! When I have the energy and focus, I have to keep going and going because I might not have it tomorrow. I keep a list and try to spend at least two days a week working hard on that list.
My wife REALLY wants one of these!!
I make lists.
I use a list for the real important things that I have to get done.
I have to keep it simple. I just make a list the night before (every night) with my top 3-5 most important things that need done the next day.
I keep a calendar of EVERYTHING so all I have to do is make sure I check it daily!
Keeping a to-do list and time limits on how long I am allowed to spend on each.
I have lists, notebooks full of lists, planners! I have to do this or I won’t be on track!! I get side-tracked really easily as well.
I would like to say I don’t need to make lists but it is what works best for me!
I’m very old school I still use a planner, I just like to see things written down. We also have a family calendar that we use to keep up and keep track of everyone’s activities, things we have planned, everyone’s birthdays including extended family and friends.
Due to a medical condition and the medications I take for the condition it has become harder with each passing day for me to get on track.
I am the train that derails at every corner and in the straightaways.
My brain just doesn’t want to function properly anymore.
I have tried lists and journals. I write it down and forget where the list or journal is.
I set reminders on my phones calender. This helps with doctors appointments.
But sometimes I get sidetracked abd forget to enter the reminder.
It’s frustrating.
I use a list, and alerts on my cell, but I try to not rely on these things because I want to improve my memory. so if i have things to do or place to be , i try to plan them in a way that is efficient. instead of running around like chicken without a head
I make a list and start with one thing at a time.
I love lists! Wunderlist is my favorite list tool at the moment. Love that it syncs w/ everything.
I use a planner to keep me on track. I also use my smartphone to keep track of activities and appointments I might have.
I plan, research and use a list to get back on track! It is challenging though.
I make lists sometimes, but what works the best for me is a dry-erase wall calendar I have on my wall. I can reset it for every month, and add/edit/remove tasks as needed. 🙂 Also, I’m a stickler for setting alarms, even on weekends. 😉
I use a monthly calendar and set deadlines. Also daily lists.
I will sometimes use lists, but usually I will use my calendar apps and sync them with my phone, email, and computer so I always know what’s happening.
I have to make lists – either by hand, on my laptop or on my iPhone. These help keep me on track as well as a cup of java in the morning.
I use lists and I use the Microsoft calender. Schedule events, get notifications. Keeps me on track for things. I also use bookmarks for things online… Monday, Tuesday, wednesday, etc..
I don’t really have a whole lot of stuff to get on track with. Currently what I am mostly doing is organizing and cleaning our extra bedroom that is being used for storage. I have tossed a bunch of stuff that was just garbage and we have donated a lot of clothes and other stuff to Goodwill that we no longer need or really couldn’t sell at a garage sale. I am also getting setup with Hootsuite and a few other sites and other apps to help with my blog postings and keeping track of what I need to do to schedule any giveaways that I can participate in.
I make lists! On the memo app on my phone, on sticky notes at home and on my computer! I’m totally a list person!
I do lost of research and make lots of lists. When I’m on a shoot, I always have a giant list of possible poses to catch, poses that I might actually pose, what I don’t want.
Lots of lists and scheduling. I also use the Pomodoro technique to keep me from being distracted!
I love lists – I’m such a planner that lists are my perfection. I appreciate being organized and together, even though I’ve been known to leave my list at home. 🙁
As my friend Christy J. says: Quote -I don’t know about y’all but every morning when I wake up mind just kicks into high gear. Mental to do lists start forming as I go over what I have to get done for the day and try to bring any pressing deadlines to the forefront. Bills that are due and chores that didn’t get done the day before hop on that list and before I know it, the length is so daunting I couldn’t possibly accomplish everything in a single day! That’s when I set that list aside, make me a cup of coffee, and ask myself the important question “Who do I need to love on today?”
Then I drink that coffee, catch some good hugs and giggles from those folks, and when I return to my list it doesn’t seem nearly as daunting as before. End Quote.
For me, it’s about the same, mental to do list, but not without first giving thanks for another day. Giving out a few hugs and sweet smiles. Telling the folks in my life that I love them.
However, I do have a notebook for some things that need/want doing. I take before and after photo’s of projects that need doing and add them to my online notebook. My grand-kids love to help me do this. They add their own to-do’s. I think my camera shutter button has about had it. A new camera would be so nice. Thank you for the review and the opportunity to win. 🙂
For me, to get on track, I have to focus on it, write a list, or something similar. Not really sure what doesn’t help.
I’m a plan-to-do ahead kind of gal! I set out to accomplish one important activity per day on my monthly list I know is imperative to get done! Then I treat myself to a little me time when it’s over.
I use lists when there are specific immediate steps, and rely more on motivation on general goals.
i have a list and tons of reminders to stay on track
I do have a list. And a list is definitely what keeps me on track. I am a list maker through and through. I have tried setting alarms but that does not work so much for me.
I make lists too, but never find them when I need them. HA!
I stay on track by keeping as organized as possible. I use a planner and a list to keep track
A list definitely helps me get on track!
I like to use my calender and make lots of lists!
i make checklists which seem to work!
A list helps for sure. I like to cross things off to see how much I have accomplished.
some ways i keep on track w/ things is by keeping a list w/ me at all times. i will forget if i don’t write stuff down.
I do make lists but sometimes i get so overwhelmed with everything i dont end up completing any of it.
I like to have a list.