Many of you probably have already heard of Gigi Hill. It is a direct sales company that offers not only financial freedom but also so many great bags! And who doesn’t love bags? Of course bags are just a few of the items they offer, there are wallets and other accessories to choose from.
I received a Bette in Lulu to review and I really love the colors. It makes it very easy to find in my big ‘ol bag and my phone fits perfectly inside. I also love that I can stick business cards inside it and still be able to find them in my bag. Things tend to get lost inside there. This is really well made and I was surprised that it came from a direct sales company. I have gotten items from direct sales companies before that honestly end up in the throwaway pile because I truly no longer use them. I don’t see this happening anytime soon.
As I said there is a wide assortment of items from Gigi Hill and if you are looking to earn an extra income or find some financial freedom, then consider being a Gigi Hill Stylist.
This is cute. I had not heard of Gigi Hill!
I’ve heard of Gigi Hill, but had not bought anything of theirs yet! The collection is really cute!