On Friday, world leaders committed to tackling 17 Global Goals to achieve three extraordinary things over the next 15 years which are: end extreme poverty, fight inequality and injustice and fix climate change. Can you just imagine how different our world will be, how different how children’s world will be after 15 years of this global effort? It is so funny (ironic funny not ha ha) because I can remember a time when we didn’t think about all of this sort of thing. I remember being in high school when recycling became a bit more widespread. Yep I’m that old!
As you can see from above the 17 Goals are all something that can be achieved if we all work together to get it done. I took this fun quiz to see which Global Goals resonated for me personally and what I discovered was that numbers 2 Zero Hunger, 5 Gender Equality, and 14 Life below water were important for me. The quiz was fun and I must tell you the question that really stuck out for me was the one where I was asked which stood out the most for me and I read that more people have access to a mobile phone than they do a toilet. How is that even possible? I’m a bit OCD about the bathroom and this was just mind blowing for me! It’s something that is so simple but we take for granted.
As a parent I will be using this toolkit to take easy, actionable steps with my children so that they can be a part of this amazing change as well. In fact I have added this toolkit and these goals to our homeschool plan for the entire year. I think it is important that they begin to understand that they will be a part of the generation that brought about change.
Wow, that is frightening that more people have access to cell phones than a toilet.
How frightening and crazy..people have cell phones and not a toilet..really!
Wow it is crazy to think that more people have access to mobile phones than toilets.
This is really eye opening to read about!
I am amazed in a terrifying way the fact about that more people have access to a cell phone than a bathroom. I can’t wrap my mind around that and oh how sad sad. I haven’t thought about how old I was when recycling became more widespread but I don’t think I even gave it a thought during high school which tells my age.
This is a wonderful thing and I plan to do my part. Thanks for this information.
Thank you for sharing this with us. I heard that a lot of girls in Africa missed a lot of school because they did not have pads or tampons so an organization made and donated reusable cups for them to use and is selling them to others as well. I love companies like that.
More people have more access to a mobile phone than a toilet.
That particular fact is bothersome because I have a friend who doesn’t realize how important it is to have operational bathroom facilities. More people die from preventable diseases but have to have water sources contaminated by raw sewage.