What are Global talent visas?
The Global talent visa route is the type of visa introduced for the applicants that have special expertise in the department of medicine, arts, engineering, digital technologies, culture, and humanities. For resolving further queries we recommend getting complete guidance from an excellent immigration lawyer on the best type of visa for you! You can also consult an immigration lawyer visa guide for tips.
1. Global Talent Visa Tech Nation endorsement overview
The Global tech visa Tech Nation endorsement is the endorsement from Tech Nation that is considered to be the valid endorsing body for the individuals who want to apply for a Global Talent visa under the ‘Digital Technology’ route.
2. What categories should you apply from?
Individuals who file their application under the Exceptional Promise criteria are primarily at the earlier stages of their careers and most have only five years or even fewer years of practical experience. In case you have spent more than five years in the practical field you will be categorized under the category Exceptional Talent criteria. This is where an immigration lawyer will come in handy. They will know which categories you should cite in your application and they will be able to walk you through the entire process. Applying for a visa doesn’t have to be complicated – so get some help.
Despite all these criteria mentioned, the final decision would be of the experts of Tech Nation, who based on your skills and achievements decide whether you meet the requirements and criteria of Exceptional Talent or Exceptional Promise. You can mark whatever category you wish to be in while filing in your application form. After receiving your application, experts will evaluate based on the duration of your practical work experience in the department, your reputation, and any important contribution by you to the advancement of the department.
3. Should I file as a technical or business applicant?
You must find two types of applicants while filling in your application for a Global talent visa. Figure out which one you fall into. For more information, you must contact an immigration lawyer.
Technical Applicants
Technical applicants are the ones who can show technical specialties in constructing, utilizing, implementing a technology stack and constructing a technical building, using, deploying, or exploiting a technology stack, and building a scientific foundation.
Business Applicants
Business applicants must show valid commercial, financing, or expertise in product developing digitized products or major financing in major digitalized product establishments. This involves product managers, senior sales experts, and C-suite executives.
4. Basic information regarding evidential requirements?
Evidential requirements depend on the category under which you are applying for Global visa talent.
Along with your application, you can submit documents as proof of criteria fulfilment. The evidential documents acceptable will be different according to your area of specialization. Contact the best Talent visa immigration lawyer in London to get information about global talent visa documents.
5. Am I allowed to bring my “dependents” along with me?
Yes, you are allowed to bring dependents along with you.
6. Timeline to get permission for permanent settlement?
Individuals with a Global Talent visa will ultimately be able to ultimately settle permanently in the UK. The period in which the person will be allowed to stay permanently in the UK is dependent upon the category under which the visa is applied.
7. Are Global talent visas granted in limited numbers?
No, Global talent visas are not limited.
8. Duration of Global Talent visa application process?
The global talent visa application process is covered in two steps
Step 1: Endorsement Application
This step requires 8 weeks to complete and you might need to pay £456 to complete the endorsement application process.
Stage 2: Visa application
You might need to submit fees of £156 at this step. The home office reviews your cases and assesses specialities if you fit the criteria or not. The valid endorsement by Tech Nation is very important for this step. You may submit for a minimum of 5 years visa. Contact an experienced immigration lawyer to assist you with your entire visa application.
9. Is switching allowed in the Global Talent category?
In case you want to apply for permanent residence under a Global talent visa then it is necessary that you are residing in the UK and are not living in the UK as a
- A Visitor
- A Student With A Short Study Period
- Guardian Of A Young Student
- A Temporary Worker
- A Private Worker
10. Am I allowed to put in my application under the Fast-Track Global Talent Route?
In case you have achieved any high-level award in the digital technology field then it will be more convenient for you to work and stay in the UK. For example, the people who are considered eligible to apply under the Fast-Track Global Talent route by the home office have either won international prizes or awards.
Elizabeth says
I’ve always wondered how this worked!