That is a question that millions of people ask themselves everyday. We would all be liars if we say we have never not even once in our lives questioned the existence of God. Everyone does at one time or another. Maybe a prayer that was never answered or something horrible that is going on and we ask ourselves “How could God let this happen?”
In my despair lately I have been reading a lot and checking out new sites. I came across one that said that God did not exist at all and listed all the points and reasons as to why god did not exist. Now first it is very clear that the author does not believe in God and many of hate points and reasons are the same ones that believers have heard of for thousands of years.
After reading all of that I realized what my next series should be and the all of the words just sort of came to me. First and foremost I am not criticizing the author’s belief system in any way. I am a firm believer in everyone’s right to believe how they choose. But I thought I would take each point this month and share why I believe God exists.
There are a couple of site where I have read various things and while I will list them for you now I must tell you that some are harsh about believers so if you are easily offended I would not recommend visiting them. In the end though we all have to accept that some people choose not to believe in God and that is their right. God gave each one of use free will and that is his gift to us. How we use it is up to us.
- This one is a bit harsh towards believers and their comments.
- This one has 50 reasons and then opinions
- This is the one that I read originally.
Those last two are the ones that I will using loosely for my series. Remember these are just my personal opinions and please be nice when you leave comments not only here but if you chose to leave them on the sites mentioned above.
I try to avoid reading items or watching anything that makes me question or doubt..I have so many questions of my own and yes there are times when you question is there a God but reading or watching something that makes me even more doubtful..I won’t go there.
I use to try so hard to avoid those sort of things but I think God led me to those sites. It is easy to question but for every point they make I have an answer. It has made me think that my faith is much stronger than I thought.
I think it’s in our nature to question things. I say go for it. If you want more information, you should get it. I think that part of believing in God is that it’s okay to ask questions. In this day and age no one follows blindly. How could you when there is horrible things that happen everyday. I also think that knowledge is power.
I think that knowledge is power as well but sometimes I wonder if we strive for too much knowledge.
I look forward to the series. I have never been a religious person but I do consider myself to be spiritual. I’m sure I will find your posts on this subject very thought provoking.
I hope so and that is my intention. I am not trying to convince anyone in any way. I think that each person has to decide for themselves whether to believe or not believe.
When I read about doubters or people that don’t believe in God I feel very sorry for them. I don’t know where I would be without God’s grace and love in my life.
I admire that about you. There are times when I can understand why people don’t always believe. It is easy to turn away in the hard times but for me there is something deep inside that won’t let me.
I was raised to believe in God and I always have. However, there are some things that have made me really wonder!
I think we all have those sort of moments in our lives.
When I was a teen I questioned…brought up to believe in something just because my parents did and kind of force fed it was not a typical teenagers response. But when I had kids my faith was solidified. Heck not even just having kids but the wonder of life itself…I cannot even think of one simple way to explain it, there has to be something/someone bigger behind this incredible “OZ” world and existence. The past dozen years I bounce. When life is hard you learn to push, adapt, and fight to get through. But when you are sick and your life is mostly taken away you find yourself not actually questioning IF God exists but the whys of the crosses you have to bear. I mean,most of us go through lots of personal struggles, relationship things and divorces, job losses, etc. But when your body fails, for me, it becomes very depressing…like you are being punished for something you have no reason why. Now I am trying to find daily pluses, no matter what…no matter how small. Like waking up and getting to see the faces of my family. Most of the time that is enough to still hold tight to my faith.
I believe in a supreme being. I have faith I believe that if you do your best to live a good life a happy life you will one day be reunited with your loved ones. I don’t believe that hell is fire and brimstones. But I do believe that if you life a bad, selfish unhappy life then you will be unhappy for eternity and will not be reunited with your loved ones.
I went through a short period a few months ago where for the first time I was really questioning things. I felt abandoned by my beliefs, but then all I had to do was look around me to be reassured, of course there are still many things I see that make me question everything for a second again, but that is life and I think there are things that are just too big for us to truly understand right now.