What do you do when God seems to be silent in your life? The most logical answer is to pray and I am sure that is the answer you would be given the most. That is not the answer for me. My response would be to seek God out.
Yes you can do that through prayer. When God seems so silent in my life I get right in God’s face so to speak. I talk and I talk until I am sure he says “shut up!” I am simply made that way. I want to know why he is silent and what it is that I am doing wrong. So what do I do? I flat out ask him. It is easier for me to be blunt with God than with people. I know I am the bratty child that shouldn’t do a lot of things I do but I am human after all. I need answers and while God doesn’t always give em the answers I am looking for he almost always responds.
It is easy to say that he is not silent in our lives. After all it is the truth but it is hard to understand that as humans. When we don’t hear him or don’t feel him we feel as though he is not there. I know that this is true of me. I have had a hard time hearing God for all the other noise going on in my life. My inner voice from God has been broken lately or at least it seems as though the signal has been lost for a while.
Slowly I am beginning to hear it again and although it is still muddled I know that he wasn’t so much silent in my life as I was not listening. When I learn to finally shut up he can be heard.
How do you deal with God’s silence?
Oh I like how you said that. That his voice was muddled. What a great way to think of it. There have been times I have been very angry with God and I just didn’t talk to him or even both to listen. I think in the end we realize we are not going to fins the answers unless we let him back into our lives. I am glad you are slowly letting him come through to you.
It is slow but I am getting there
I just sigh a lot. And wonder when the storm will pass. I don’t get angry at God, I get angry at the people that I know have caused the issues or even myself sometimes…as to not always play the victim. . God has the upperhand, but sometimes it is what we do with or how we react to others in our environment that makes us feel bad. Not God. Dealing with that stuff head on or choosing to ignore the stress of mere people (not letting them get to you) is a way to feel in control of your life more. We have a will…it is used to do or feel or react. I often forget God gave me that control. so when He is silent I wonder if he is testing me to do or feel or react. I mean, in the same way our parents let us become independent and think for ourselves sometimes (but always be there to protect and teach) I wonder sometimes if God is just driving and tells us if we just don’t quit WHINING He is gonna stop the car and REALLY give it to us…You know, that whole..”you DONT want me to pull over and stop this car do you?” routine. LOL> I do whine some. Hard for me to stop playing the victim when most of my issues are health things I have not much control over. It stinks. Those are the things you want to “blame” God for sometimes, but things like this happen.
I know what you mean. I would fall into the “I am going to turn the car around” group. He is most likely been saying that for a while now.
I try to have some quiet time and listen to God. I know he is always with me in my thoughts all the time, he really is the one that sustains me. It is so easy to be so busy with life that we don’t hear God or see him working in our lives. The best thing to do is slow down and think of God and we can see he was with us all along.
Your faith is what I strive for. My hope is that one day I have that kind of unfailing faith.