You saw the changes that I made around here. I saw this theme the other day and really loved it but said I didn’t have the money to spend on this right now. The truth was I was purposely not writing over here because I have been well indifferent I guess (another post) and was waiting.
Then yesterday happened! First let me take you back to the night before. I had a heart to heart with God. I have been upset with him because I haven’t felt him in a long time. I mean really felt him the way I did once last year and other times before. I told him how much I needed him but how forgotten and hurt I have felt.
When I woke up yesterday morning I didn’t pray or read the bible or anything. I felt different though. I can’t explain it. I had plenty of work I wanted to get done but all day I kept feeling the need to come over here to TFL. Everywhere I looked there was post ideas and themes. Words filled my mind to the point I couldn’t concentrate long enough to do anything else.
At one point I said “Enough God! I am listening but right now I just can’t.” I tried to work all day but got little accomplished. The money I didn’t have for theme came in as well. It was unexpected so I purchased it. Went to bed and thought I would get up early and start over.
However I couldn’t sleep. Still all theses posts and ideas and prayers. So I got up and began writing. I have felt God tugging before but this was more like pushing. Maybe shoving!
I need Him to push and shove and give me a little kick in the patootie now and then. So glad He was listening and you feel so inspired by that Rita. You deserve a good “listener” and how great of ONE to truly have! I really like your blog changes too!
We all need that push and sometimes a shove when he wants us to do his work and not what we want to do, glad that he pushed you because you write with the heart and that’s why we come back to read your amazing words.
I can relate to the forgotten and hurt part. I have been going through one of the hardest times in my life and sometimes I wish I wasn’t even here anymore. But, I know God doesn’t give us more than we can handle and I just know there is something I need to learn here.
It is always amazing when God pushes you like this. He knows what we need, when we need it and just at the right time. Praise God that he is all knowing. God is faithful to those who love him and his plans are to prosper and not harm us.
I know he has a plan and lately he is just slapping me in the face with his plan.
That sounds rather exciting actually – congratulations! I always enjoy your posts here, much more than I thought I would, so I am glad to hear you have so many ideas. It’s wonderful you got some “found” money in to pay for the header, too.
I am glad he gave you the push you need and that they money came in. I know how important this journey is to you. I think that we sometimes want what we want right now. God doesn’t seem to work like that. He gives us what he wants and thinks we need at the time.