God has a plan for me. That is what I tell myself everyday. There is a plan and although I may not see it at the moment, it will all be revealed in gods own time.
One thing I really wished though is that God’s own time didn’t take so long. I know….I know patience is a virtue but one I am about ready to give up and act like the two year old that says I want it NOW!
I know that is so very small of me but it is something I can’t help. I think we all have those moments when we act more like children than the adults we are.
There have been many times I have been frustrated with the timeline in place for me. You just want to kick and scream until you get your way.
There are 2 “mantras” that I tell myself on a daily basis that never to seem to materialize. “In God’s Own Time” and “By His Stripes I Am Healed”. So I am right there in your corner. I try to keep my faith, but I feel as if I am being tested daily.
Thankfully God made me a pretty patient person, I am definitely not perfect but God is working in me to improve all the time. It is hard to wait patiently for what you want and them sometimes what you want isn’t what God wants for you. The best thing we can remember is that God wants what is best for us.
Not only do I question God’s own time regarding my life, I blame him for the things in my life that happen and also for what OTHERS have put me though. My patience lesson needs to come in knowing what I have control over and MY will to make things better. And also to stop blaming for what others do and don’t do. God gave us all WILL and we have no control over anothers’ That is what is good I guess. We have faith, and we have options to practice that or not.