One of the things you realize when you are single is that many things you do or encounter you will be doing on your own. There isn’t anyone to be there with you. Sure you could find someone to go along but there will be times when there isn’t anyone. I have been thinking about that a lot lately since I have been thinking about moving. Every so often I think I want to pull up stakes and move somewhere new. Now, I would have the kids, Ma, and my uncle with me. Yet, I would still be alone because I would be the one to have to handle everything, make the decisions, and so forth. Another thought was I would be going alone on a trip that I want to take. How int he world do other single people do it. I remember once I went to the movies by myself. I stood and listened to the movie the majority of the people were watching just so I wouldn’t be alone in the theater. I clearly need help.
Help that isn’t that far in finding. Tackling the whole moving thing first is simple. That is what the professionals are for. All I would have to do is call them up or visit their website such as and get things settled. They would handle most all of the move for me. Which would in turn mean I could handle all the other stuff. If you think about it the actual move is what is so difficult. I could find a place to live and deal with getting set up as long as I didn’t have to handle the move.That takes care of one of my worries.
Taking a trip by myself is far scarier than anything I have ever done. There are so many worries like will I be safe? How will I know what I want to see? Those are just two of the worries I have. I was doing some research and came across this website where I learned about solo travel in a group. They will even pair you up with a roommate so you don’t have to spend so much in hotel costs. I prefer my own room (I snore) which is available as well. That takes a huge ball of relief off me. I was so afraid that I wouldn’t be able to even consider taking this trip. It is something that I want to do but haven’t found anyone who wanted to go with me.
When your solo there is a lot that you are nervous to do but one thing I have learned is that there is always a way around it. With a little searching and initiative you can find a way to make being solo feel like the best thing in the world. In fact, there are so many more things I do now that I never did when I was married. although that isn’t a knock towards doing stuff as a couple. It just means that I only have to make up my mind about what is going on, not wait for someone else to make up theirs.