Beginning in March Google will be doing away with Google Friend Connect from all non-blogger blogs which means we will have to say goodbye. I hate that I have to start over from scratch with Google Plus but it seems to be the only alternative. So I thought I would go ahead and take down the widget for Google Friend Connect. This way I will no one will friend me through there only to have me disappear in a few short months. I don’t know what will happen to the feeds in Google Reader since everything can be synced together. Any of the blogs I follow I will begin following in other ways over the course of the next few weeks. For those who want to stay connected with me make sure you follow me through any/all of the other sources including my Goggle Plus Page.I will be updating the page weekly and adding all sorts of information there that you won’t get in other places.
I am a longtime follower and got you on G+. I hope they do not do away with Google Reader as Yahoo just had a snafu with feedburner and I got no emails for 3 weeks. (it just started working again) Google reader was the only way I could keep up!
Hello! Just want to say thank you for this interesting article! =) Peace, Joy.