Welcome to The Great Gift Card Giveaway!
This event is hosted by The Review Wire and Review Wire Media. All participating blogs are offering a gift card in the amount of $20 or more! So, once you enter my giveaway make sure to hop on down the list of blogs to see what Great Gift Cards they are giving away! You can also enter the Grand Prize over at The Review Wire…a $50 Gift Card to Amazon!
I really love this giveaway hop because there is just so many possibilities! I mean just think about it! When you get a gift card you can buy anything you want. That is the beauty of gift cards. SO I thought about what company and brand to give a card to and in the end decided that a Visa Gift Card was the way to go. So be sure that you enter below to win a $200 Visa Gift Card, there will be 2 winners!! Giveaway ENDS at 11:59 PM EST on September 27, 2013 and Open Worldwide!
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Disclaimer: All giveaways end at 11:59 PM EST on September 27, 2013. The Great Gift Card Event Bloggers are not responsible for shipment of prize or sponsors that do not fulfill their prizes.
Companies and bloggers, if you would like to participate in group giveaway events like this one, sign up to be emailed about future events hosted by The Review Wire.
Am I missing something? Where do I go to enter to win the $200 Visa card?
Sorry about that. The linky shut down everything else. I have it corrected now.
Do you just leave a comment to enter or should I be seeing a form of some sort?
I got everything corrected now!
Oh, so many things! Books… Shoes… But I’d probably end up paying the bills :).
I recently decided that I would like a juicer because of the health benefits. Or possibly a yonanas machine. These are the 2 things I would be interested in buying.
I would put it towards Christmas presents! It’s time to start shopping!
I really want to buy my grandsons a Power Wheels vehicle for them to share. That would complete their Christmas!
I REALLY REALLY want a waffle maker….. but with Christmas coming and a deployment too… I would probably use it for gifts/and or an emergency… Can never be to prepared!
We need a second booster seat for our second car and I would use this towards that. We have two kids and it’s just too much of a hassle to constantly move car seats back and forth between cars.
My birthday is coming up and I’ve been wanting a camera bag. I have a camera I don’t use outside of the house because I don’t have a bag for it.
I would really like new dishes and flatware. We moved to our new home several months ago and immediately remodeled the kitchen, so I did not get to unpack for weeks. When I did…many of my dishes and most of my flatware were gone! The only explanation I can come up with is that I left them in the dishwasher in our old place–across the country. 🙁
I would love to buy my husband a Kindle Fire HD for either our anniversary or his birthday. Both are coming up.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Diana C
It would fun to get a “want” rather than a “need” if I won. I would probably buy clothes for my husband, though. He never spends on himself.
I would buy a new blender. Ours recently died on us & we have been searching for a new one! This gift card would be used for that!
$200 Visa GC is a very generous prize!! I’m giddy just thinking of all the ways I could spend it. There are household items: New Vacuum, Slow cooker and other small kitchen appliances. Then the are the electronics and entertainment wishlist: New Flat screen TV, computer peripherals & accessories, Kindle Fire HD. And my personal favorite, books. Thanks so much for the chance to win!
I would put it toward a new laptop. Ours is biting the dust and likely too expensive to fix.
I really want to buy a toaster (mine just recently died) and a case leather for my tablet.
My birthday is just a few days away and I would love to buy a new lens for my DSLR camera. Thank you!
I would get my boys Christmas presents. Thin like angry birds and some games.
If I won, I’d buy a Kindle Fire. I’d use the leftover cash to buy some eBooks.
I would probably put it towards an Ipod mini. or some other type of tablet. I say that and would probably end up spending it on my kids like I always do.
I would use it towards some winter clothes for this winter. I want some more cardigans, sweaters, and some tall boots.
I would use it on Christmas gifts. I would also get some books .
I would really love a tablet, probably iPad or Kindle for myself.
Chanel Vitalumiere Aqua compact would be what I would buy if I won this!
I would really love to use this money to buy college textbooks! They’re much more affordable on Amazon than anywhere else!
I would buy some books that are on my wish list and some Christmas presents for my family.
I really want to buy my husband a nice jacket
I would buy a 4 in 1 crib for my grandbabies. I am having 2 new grandbabies in less than 2 months.
I would use the gift card on clothes and shoes for my children. I’d also get myself a new pair of boots for the Fall.
i always have a list of stuff I want or need from amazon. I would probably use most of it towards a jabra speakes my boyfriend wants, then use the rest for come books and other odds and ends.
I would love to put this gift card away for Christmas. We have 2 kids now, so that means more presents to buy. I’d also use some for new shoes and pajamas for them. Cold weather is coming!
I really need a new Camera. The viewer on mine is gone & I just sort of have to guess where I should point it.
I would use the money to help with paying off debt! We’re trying really hard to get out of all debt, but it’s difficult! Thank you so much for the chance to win!
I would love to win this prize and start some early christmas shopping. I hate waiting til the last minute to do christmas shopping, I like to have it done early. Its less stress to shop early. Thanks for the great giveaway
There are so many things that I could buy with this gift card. It would be really tempting to buy myself some more books, but I may apply it towards Christmas presents; especially the wagon that we want to buy for our son.
My 50th birthday is coming up and I really want a Kindle Paperwhite. Then I could give my best friend of 25 years my Kindle and have enough money to get her a giftcard for Christmas.
I would be able to buy some really nice gifts for my family for Christmas! Thanks so much for this giveaway!
I need to buy some new clothes for my son. He could also use a pair of boots. And groceries is always good.
Tell me the 1 thing you really want to buy if you won.
need a new stove
I would actually buy the items that I have in my cart right now. I would finally get the books and dvds that have been sitting in there for so long. Arg….I am a procrastinator for sure.
I would buy my sons winter shoes! At 4 and 6 they outgrow everything fast! Something fun i want to buy also is a few skylanders characters to add to the Giants for Xbox.
I would probably put the money partly towards Christmas presents, and partly towards my Halloween costume.
Well,I am due November 14th with a baby girl and what’s the most FUN part about having a girl?! Not periods,boys and attitude for sure! lol I would go shopping for all the cut,frilly,ruffled pink stuff I could buy! Times have been tough recently and this would help so much!
I would really like a Kindle. I love to read and this would be a fantastic thing to have!!
I really would love a new mattress and if not a mattress at least a mattress topper, my bed is swallowing me up lol
I think I will use the GC for Christmas shopping. So many things my kids want!! Now that they are older the toys got way more expensive..
I would buy a new printer (mine finally died after 12 years) and ink. I would also buy my son new shoes since he has already trashed his back to school pair just 5 weeks into this school year. And if there’s anything leftover we'[ll use it for gas to drive down and see grandma for her birthday.
I would use the giftcard to buy birthday presents for my boyfriend and sister. Their birthdays are coming up soon and I would love to be able to buy them something nice. I would probably also buy myself some books.
I would definitely be buying myself a new inkjet printer to help with my business… THEN if I had anything left over I would spoil my hubby with some new clothing! 🙂 I would LOVE to win this prize, it would be amazing!
If I won right now, I would take my car to the car wash. I would also buy some new dresses…I just love all those Maxi dresses, especially the chevron design ones.
What a generous giveaway! I would almost certainly put this toward Christmas for the 5 kiddos. There’s also the possibility that I’d use it towards some needed items for my new massage therapy business. I might buy a new massage table with it! Thanks so much for the great giveaway. Have a blessed weekend!
I would spend it on a pressure cooker! And then some groceries or some other kitchen appliance!
Wow! I would feel like a kid at Christmas if I won this $200.00 gift card! I think I would buy something really special for my 90 year old Mother in Law. She is such a kind, sweet woman!
If I won the giveaway, I would put it towards a Canon DSLR lens or some other type of photograph-related equipment. Thank you for running another great giveaway!
I would love to use this to buy a new cell phone. Mine likes to randomly shut off on me.
i want to buy my boyfriend a new TV. Hopefully this will help me get him one for Christmas this year!
Hi Rita what a generous giveaway. If I were lucky enough to be chosen I would use the gift card towards purchasing a new lap top for my son who just started college. It sure is a strange feeling saying my son is in college, it just doesn’t seem real. It feels like I was just putting him on the school bus to start kindergarden.
I would like to buy groceries with my money. Any time I receive a visa card, I always buy groceries with it.
One thing I would love to buy is a Keurig. We have one at work and I would love to have one for my home. I would also like to buy myself some clothes.
i might put this in our budget fun for Travel. We have not been to see my grandparents for almost two years, and they need to meet their 8 month old great grandbaby in person! Its very expensive to travel 19 hours south, and it really doesn’t fit in our budget, but this would help!
There are SO many things on my wish list! I’d love to get Neil Gaiman’s newest novel!
I can think of a few things this could be used for. My youngest needs a winter jacket. My teens are saving towards a PS4. And Christmas is only 3 months away!
If I could buy anything I wanted I would buy a new set of dishes. It is something I use everyday and would love to replace. 🙂
I would use it towards hotel and gas so that we can go visit our son
I would buy clothes. I also would like a pair of boots.
Wow a $200 gift card would pretty much take care of Christmas for my 3 boys! This would help us out so much!!
I really need a new set of pots and pans – tired of non stick and I was thinking about trying some stainless steel. I also need a new refrigerator so I could also use it towards that. Thanks!
If I were to win this I would start shopping for Christmas. I would also like to buy a book for myself.
Oh I would buy a new front door for our home! Its an older door and we get such a draft during the cold winter months. I would love to replace it and get a new one!
The one thing I would really like to get right now is work clothes for my hubby. He just started an awesome new job and it would be great to get him some snazzy new clothes to feel good in.
I’d buy ink for my printer
New clothes for me.
I would use this money to visit my family! I’ve been trying to save up for a long time, but you know how life is. Things just keep getting in the way and the saving has taken a long time! This would go a long way toward my plan (dream?) of seeing my distant family 🙂
oh gosh, if I am lucky enough to win this one, I will finally buy that iPod Touch I’ve been wanting forever! I have a pretty large iTunes library so I NEED the 64 gb and it is a lot more in price. Thanks for the GENEROUS giveaway!
I would love to win -oh at the
christmas presents we could buy. Toys for the grandson, and more!
i would buy some new furniture for our new apartment! we are moving soon and could use some upgrades.
I would start my Christmas shopping,maybe a book or to for me to read.
Or maybe take my girls to New York to the American girl store thank you!
I would put it towards Christmas gifts. Specifically a Wii U.
i would probably use it for a ton of groceries at costco. Or maybe frys 🙂
I think i would put it towards a tablet or Christmas gifts
I would use this on plane tickets to see my family!
I would really love to win so I can get my kids clothes for the winter. All 3 of my kids have outgrown last year’s clothes and it’s definitely going to cost me!
I would treat my self to a new ipod! Mine has been broken for months and I need some music for my workouts 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway!
I was going to say a printer but today is my birthday and my father is suppose to get me one. I need and want a set of those Cariloha Bamboo Sheets in White. Yep that’s what I’d get.
I recently lost my job so I would use the gift card toward necessities for my home. I would probably use it mostly for food, toothpaste, soap, things of that nature.
I could use it toward my bills, christmas is also coming, but I really want an ipad so I would use it toward that
I have three boys with birthdays in before Christmas so this would be a great help.
I’d love to buy a laptop!
I would use it to go Christmas shopping with my family because when the holidays come it always seems there isn’t enough leftover.
I would love to be able to buy a new computer. My current computer is nearing 10 years old, and runs very slowly. I can only have one application open at a time or it freezes. Working from home part-time as a virtual administrative assistant has been a challenge.
I have been wanting a dehydrator for a while now. I would probably finally buy one if I won.
I would use this to buy a plane ticket to go visit my Mom in Indiana.
i’d really like to use it towards a plane trip next year, perhaps alaska?
rafflecopter: daniel
I’d use this towards a digital camera.
Mine is going on the fritz and I miss taking pictures for scrap booking.
Thank you.
I would use it to get my son a nitendo 3ds for christmas. I would also get him pokemon x or y to go with t
i would use it for a hotel and food in san francisco to visit my younger sister and see her new place
I would use the gift card to get an exersaucer, a car shade, a big box of diapers, and some 3-6 month footies for our daughter. She is growing so fast, and I think we need all of these things in the coming months!
I would like to buy new clothes for winter and christmas gifts for my family! 🙂
I would get some new winter clothes.
I would like to start buying my children’s Christmas presents!!!
I really want to buy my hubby a Kindle Fire for Christmas and this would help me be able to do that! Those things are expensive! 🙂
Winning a Visa GC would be amazing! I am a SAHM and I don’t have any income of my own, other than what I share with my hubby. Our 6th year anniversary is coming up and I would love to be the one that takes him out to a wonderful dinner without him paying for a change. Our anniversary is on 10/20/12! This would be awesome!
I would buy some new workout clothes. We just got a gym membership, finally, and I’m finding I’m doing laundry far more often than I want to! Need a few new pairs of shorts, a few more shirts, and at least one or two more sports bras.
If I were to buy for myself I would love to buy some “new” clothes. My wardrobe is 95% from the thrift store which is fine and I don’t mind it really. But I would love to have a new coat for the winter.
Both of my kids need snow boots and coats so that would be the first thing.
Our family grew with new babies this year, so I would really love to get a head start on Christmas shopping. I have never started shopping early, but in order to be able to buy for everyone, I need to this year…LOL
I think I would save this gift card until I need to buy textbooks again. I am a college student, and I’d use this for next semester’s textbooks.
I’d love to have a new swivel sweeper or equivalent sweeper for my hardwood floors. I saw that Dyson is coming out with a sweeper/mop combo that would be great for the whole downstairs in my new house. I’m so tired of using a broom and dustpan. This Mama of 4 boys doesn’t have time for that. Thanks for the chance to win such an awesome prize. 😉
I’m going back to school in January at the age of 41! If I win I’ll use the gift card to pay for textbooks. 😀 Thank you so much for the opportunity!
I would love to buy a camera to take lots of good pictures of my kids!
I’d love to buy a Kate Spade handbag I’ve had my eye on for awhile. This gift card would pay for a good portion of it.
I honestly can’t think of anything that I truly “want”! That said, I’d probably use it to lessen the blow on unexpected expenses such as the astronomical Vet bills we’ve had the past few years.
I would love to use this money to get my boys Christmas presents. I would buy them new bed comforters theirs are getting faded and they have outgrown the themes.
I would put this toward new furniture for my bedroom. My new room needs new furniture.
Fantastic giveaway! I’m really excited about this one! I would definitely use the gift card to purchase a number of things on my son’s Christmas list this year. My husband used to receive vacation cash in, since we never take a vacation, at the end of the year and that is what we would use to buy Christmas gifts. Unfortunately, due to budget cuts, that’s not an option anymore so we’ve started saving for Christmas already. This gift card would be a huge help! Thanks for hosting! Really looking forward to browsing more of your beautiful blog!
This is kind of a lame answer but it’s real. I would use it from groceries and gas. my family has been hit hard recently and we would really just be smart with it and use it for smart household things. I’d probably buy myself some diet coke and chocolate though as a treat. LOL
I would first get my mom something to make her smile. Then I would put the rest towards a Kindle for my daughter.
I’d put this toward a new camera.
My husband’s laptop is a dinosaur and is slowly dying. He really needs a new computer, but recently tried my iPad and loved it. He is out of work right now or we would get one. But my goal is to WIN one for him, so if I won this money, I would use it for him.
I’d buy a Stokke Tripp Trapp Baby set so that we can use our high chair with the baby.
I’d buy Jeffrey Campbell, Blowfish shoes or any other brand that sells awesome platform shoes. Or a winter coat. At any rate I’d spend it on something I normally wouldn’t splurge on.
My e-mail: blackasphodel(at)yahoo(dot)com
I would like to buy a new pair of shoes for the Fall. I also need sneakers and a new jacket.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
Need new blender right now, so I will treat my self new blender.
I would buy some new work clothes. Thanks for the giveaway!
I would use it to buy a Christmas present for my husband. He really wants a set of custom corn hole bean bag boards with the New Orleans Saints logos on them….but they’re expensive!
If I win it would be hard to decide what to buy. I really want a Kindle or a Tablet computer for myself but our truck needs tires..what a boring purchase that would be…so maybe I would do some early Christmas shopping with it instead. Thanks for the giveaway 🙂
I would love to get myself some new books. I have a huge list of them that needs to be narrowed down a bit! I would also like to get my kids some books for Christmas. You can never have enough books! Thanks for the chance!
We are ready to close on a new house and there are so many things I need since the house is much bigger than the one we are in now. The one thing I really need and would buy with the gift card is a secretary desk so I can put my huge computer somewhere other than the kitchen table. (My husband owns the office)
I want to buy winter boots for my grandchildren for this year
I think I would purchase my children’s Christmas presents, I like to be organized so it seems the sensible thing to do! My four year old is finally understand what Christmas means in terms of presents so of course he has a list already.
My laptop keeps crashing. I can see the day will come when it cannot be revived. I’m hoping to make it to black friday sales, meanwhile I’m researching the purchase. – the super cheap sales are typically cheap for a reason. I need one for work, reliable . loaded…and on sale! Which brings me back to hoping to win as $200 would bring my savings to almost what I need
I just realized how much my baby has grown this week and we are in the market for a new car seat, I think I would put it toward that.
I’ll buy some Christmas presents for the kids; they have been studying hard all term, they deserve something special this Christmas.
I would really love to buy a new sofa. I have needed one for a really long time. The one I have now is very old and everybody in the family hates it. We don’t even like to sit on it. Thank you!
I would use it to buy clothes for my boys. They are growing fast and with winter coming soon they will need warm clothes and boots.
I would use it to buy a new bookshelf. The one I have is a cheapie one from my college days and its days are numbered. Thanks!
I would love to use it for the upcoming Holiday’s or to save towards a new camera body since mine is on the fritz. I also have a baby coming in January so that’s another great use for a gift card. 🙂
I would like to use the gift card on either the upcoming holidays or a new camera body. Also have a baby coming in January so that is a great use for a gift card too.
I would buy some nice presents for Christmas!
I would put the gift card towards a crib for my baby that is due in feb. its our first
Ipad mini is what is on my wish list right now. I would put this towards that unless the Hubs decides that’s what he wants to get me for Christmas or my birthday! If he is going to get me one then I would put this towards the rest of my Christmas shopping.
If I won, I would either be using this for groceries, a prescription, or put it towards Christmas gifts.
Thank you very much for the giveaway! =)
I have really been wanting a NutriBullet or a Ninja blender, but they are so expensive! I’d love to try Green smoothies, but unfortunately, my blender leaves huge chunks. Not very appetizing!
The thing that I would love to buy with this gift card is an Optimus Prime Transformers toy for my son for christmas 😀
I would love to buy my daughter birthday decor and birthday presents. She wants to have a Strawberry Shortcake party. Not sure what gifts we are getting for her yet!
We are in real need of a vacuum cleaner.
I would love to buy a keurig for my son
sibabe64 at ptd dot net
I am subscribed what newsletter code? And what is a Social Media Name , I put my facebook is that it?
sibabe64 at ptd dot net
I think I would save it to use when we next head down to Florida! Maybe buy a new bathing suit or use it to go kayaking or even out to dinner! What a great prize! Thank you!
I joined the Facebook party last night (Sept 16th) It was my first online party. I did not win anything but loved the various BrylaneHome prizes that were offered.
I would use it towards a wireless printer. Desperately needing one. Mine our “to old”. Lol.
I’d like to buy my son an Exersaucer and also get myself some new Sketchers Go Walk shoes or new sneakers!
I want to buy a new microwave. Mine is about 15 years old and slowly dying.
There are a lot of things I could do with $200. However with Christmas coming up I would most likely use it towards Christmas Presents. Id probably go buy some books that my kids have been wanting along with a couple video games & lego sets they’ve been begging me for…
I have half of the money saved for a new laptop, this would give me the rest!
I would buy my family a Keurig if I didn’t save it for Christmas Gifts!
I think that I’d probably put it towards some Christmas gifts. Specifically, my son has been wanting the new Skylanders game!
I would use this giftcard for an upcoming vacation. I think we would go do something fun that we wouldn’t normally do, due to funds 🙂
I am ready to start Christmas shopping already!! It will be here before we know it and amazon is a great place to shop!! They have everything!!
If I won I would want to buy new hunting clothes. I love everything camo. Thanks for the great giveaway.
I would put this towards a new bedding set I’ve had my eye on, as well as a few books from my always-growing wishlist. Keeping my fingers crossed for this one! Thank you 🙂
If I won this I would use it to buy some meat for the freezer. We dont get to eat much meat anymore as it is way to costly for the budget.
i really want to buy my kids a new wii system for christmas this would help oiut so much
I have a new baby due, I would buy some new baby clothes and christmas presents for my boys.
I would put this toward new tires for the car that I need before it snows. Unfortunately I am afraid that might be sooner than I hoped.
We are in dire need of a carseat for our little one. Anything left over would go to taking my wife out to dinner, alone. It’s been far too long since we had the chance. 🙂
I have been trying to save up to be able to buy my daughter a nice camera. She is a senior in high school and has been really wanting one of the Canon cameras but they are so expensive. I would love to get her one as a graduation surprise.
Gosh I need a new lens for my camera, and to get some Christmas shopping going, a new shelf for my books, and some furniture for the house. Thank you for the giveaway!
I would really love to purchase a new TV, because the TV that I have is not Blu-ray capable, and I just won my very first Blu-ray player few months ago, and I haven’t been able to use it, so it would be nice to have TV to go with it.
if I was lucky enough to win, I’d probably use a lot of it toward Christmas gifts. I know my mom really wants a Nutribullet, so I’d be able to get her that.
First, I’d get my son’s bike fixed. Then I would spend the rest on either Christmas gifts, food, or curriculum. Is this long enough? I hope so. Have a good week.
Wow $200 Visa gift card could go a long way to helping with buying our Christmas presents for 7 grandchildren my oldest grandsons are into computers, Wi’s sports and the like, the other 5 grandchildren are all girls and they are interested in hair products, curling irons, hair bans, bows and all the way down to dolls and games, so I could really go to town with the gift card at make a dent into the mighty Christmas list
if i win i would like to buy my son birthday presents. i would buy some new clothes and new toys.
I would love to buy a new bike trailer for my kids to ride in, so we can do family bike rides to the park!
If I won this giveaway, I would use the money to go overnight and out to dinner with my husband. We are newly weds, and this would be a wonderful opportunity for us. D.C or New York would be the best.
If I won I’d use it toward a new TV. I also might use some of it for a DVD if I have any left over.
I’d love to use this for Christmas presents. My son wants a tablet for Christmas.
I would love to win this so I could buy a new coat for myself. I´ve been dreaming of a green wooolen coat and would definitely buy one 🙂 Last winter I was late and there was no jackets of my size left 🙁
I Really Would Love To Buy A Few New Outfits For Fall. Oh And Of Course A Really Nice Pair Of Boots Too!
I would really like a new bedding set or new clothes but I would probably use it for Christmas shopping! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!
this would help towards a new laptop I’m looking to buy.
I would save it to buy a Kitchen Aid Mixer. I have wanted one forever!
Nicole be sure to keep following me because those are my preferred Newsletter Subscriber Only giveaways!
I would use it towards a new laptop or desktop. My current desktop really needs an upgrade.
I really, really want a DSLR camera. I have wanted one for a long time now. But I might have to use it for Christmas gifts depending. Either way this would be very helpful for our family.
I’m not really sure what I would buy. I would probably put it toward my Christmas shopping.
I’d buy a Kindle. I’d also buy a bunch of books to go on it. If there’s anything left, I’d use it for Christmas gifts.
I would like to get some clothes for myself and put the rest towards Christmas shopping.
i would use this to buy Christmas gifts. money is tight this year and it would really help!
I’d love to order some new business cards, labels, office supplies – basically anything to help with my business. For some reason I let myself run tragically low.
I would love to buy my daughter a new ipod, hes got stolen while she was in Chicago Or I can get her a new winter coat and some necessities
If I won I would buy bed pillows and a comforter. Boring I know! Maybe Id buy Christmas toys for my grandkids instead.
I would get my boys a hat, and shirt of their favorite NFL teams (one is Steelers & one is Bengals-yikes!!) They have just started really watching football, and would love to have them!
I would spend the money in books but giving the time of the year I would save it for some christmas gifts as well! 🙂
I would use this to buy Christmas gifts for my children. I’m not able to work right now so this would be great for gift giving! Thanks 🙂
I would absolutely love to put this towards a Canon Rebel camera. I had to sell mine to pay bills years ago and I’ve been wanting one ever since!!!
i REALLY, REALLY want to purchase a trampoline for my boys for Christmas which is what i would use the GC for
I’d buy some new clothes, or put it toward a vacation!
Missed the code in the newsletter again : (
If I won i’d really love to buy some patio furniture and mums to decorate my porch up a big!
I would use it for Halloween costumes and them anything left over would go for Christmas gifts and expenses!
I would buy a sewing machine. I want to teach my daughter how to sew.
I want to buy UGG boots for myself
I would buy groceries with it. We are super broke right now and we have a huge hole to dig our way out of. Unfortunately, I was injured at work and have 2 bulging discs in my back, so I can’t work right now. Blah! I would probably pee my pants if I won a 200 dollar gift card at this point. LOL
My daughter really needs some new pants for school. Also she is wanting a MEEP for Christmas, so I would apply this win to those things.
With a $200 visa card, there is a lot I would like to buy. First, I would buy some books for school. Then, I would buy some Christmas presents. Finally, I would do something special, like eat out at a restaurant.
I would love to buy a new all in one printer if I won.
I would use half of it to buy me some new shoes. The other half I would mostly like save up for my trip to Vegas fr my birthday next year.
I’d use it to start my Christmas shopping! I really want to get my 2 youngest kids a tablet computers.
My son wants a few kindle books, so I would buy them. Then I would buy my husband some new jeans. Then I would take any remainder left and buy me some running shoes.
If I won, I’d love to buy my son a new pair of shoes for his birthday in December.
I’d love to put this towards a new laptop. Of course, it would probably go towards Christmas gifts – my daughter wants a microscope!
If I would to win this gift card. I would begin buying christmas gifts. i really want to get my twin sister a new tv. this gift card would be great for that. I could also use this gift card to buy a house warming gift for a dare friend of mine. I was thinking of buyin ghim an area rug.
i would love to win this bc my daughter and I could def use some new winter clothes. she could use some new shoes also. this would be a huge help!
I would buy christmas presents for my family.
I would use it to buy Christmas presents for my family.
I would start some Christmas shopping and also get my girls some new school shoes that they desperately need. That is some of the things I probably would do
If I won, I would put the gift card towards Christmas gifts for my son. The wants are getting more expensive the older he gets.
I’ve always wanted a kitchenaid mixer but can’t justify the cost
Singlel Mom Says Skies The Limit For My Daughter!!! 🙂
I would really love to win this. It’s been tight with money right now and this would be put to use buying groceries, or some new clothes for the upcoming cooler weather. Thanks so much for the opportunity!
This is a very generous gift that I’d use for the holidays a little on me and then on my kids, as a single mom it will come in so handy with 3 hungry kids of reading and electronics.
I’d like to get some new shoes, new end tables or a waffle maker.
I could finally get the indoor garden I’ve been wanting for my herbs etc and what a terrific way to do it.. Thank you.
I would use it towards a new laptop.
The budget will be really tight this year for Christmas. I would buy some extra toys and games for the Grand Kids.
If I won, I’d put this towards getting my son an iPod Touch. He’s been asking for quite awhile and has been really working hard to try to save for one.
The one item I would want to buy is as many K-Cups of breakfast blend and nantucket coffee as humanly possible. Let the great “stash” for winter begin! People sure do run out of K-Cups fast.
If I won, I would like to buy GPS for my car. I think in the long run, it will save me money by not getting lost and wasting gas.
Thank you for the great giveaway! If I won, I’d get my daughter a winter coat, boots and snow pants.
I would use this to buy the wicked sled my son fell in love with.
He just turned 6 and wants a GT snow racers for Christmas from Santa, bright yellow and can’t forget a helmet to keep him safe.
If I won this, I would fill up the gas tank of the car. Also, I would use it for some groceries. Then, if I have any left, I would buy some computer ink.
I have wanted a Kitchenaide mixer for years. If I am lucky enough to win, I would buy myself one.
I have a lot of things to choose from. I need a replacement for my broken food processor and I’m also saving for a laptop.
I would put the gift card toward the purchase of a designer purse that I’ve been saving for a while 🙂
I would put it towards Halloween stuff.
If I won I would buy presents. One for my son and one for my husband!!
I would love to buy a Kindle Fire for myself. But I know that’s not what it would get used for. It would probably be used for groceries or Christmas presents.
I would love to buy organic, nonGMO snacks & workout clothes 🙂 Thanks for the chance to win!!!
I would put it towards the purchase of our new bed. My old bed was killing us so we had to put one on the credit card. I am going to stress until that thing is paid off and this would sure put a good chunk out of it!
I’m really torn apart between 2 options — bread maker and dehydrator. I’d love to buy something nice for my kids for Christmas too — dreams, dreams
I have my eye on the Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1, and if I won this, it wouldn’t fully cover it, but it would at least make it a lot more affordable!
DVD, games and shoes.
My brother is traveling to italy for architecture degree. I’d really like to get him a camera.
I have a brand new neice that was somewhat unexpected. They don’t have a lot of cash. I would use it to buy diapers.
The one thing that i really want to get if I win is a Clarisonic. It can improve the way my skin is and this would help a lot since I can’t afford to buy one myself.
I would use it to put towards buying my husband a really nice Christmas present, probably a laptop or a heavy winter coat. He needs them both
I would really love to put this towards the purchase of a new laptop. I have two teenagers in the house that are both taking college credit courses at their high school and I’m always fighting for use of one since they are always using theirs.
I’ve been dying to buy a pair of boots but it’s always at the bottom of the “need to buy” list. That and a new purse. Mom deserves some splurging too, right?
This would be a tough one! I’d be torn between getting the FitDesk I’ve had my eye on or maybe using it to partially fund a short (but fun) get away to San Francisco! Decisions, decisions!
With Christmas right around the corner and three sons, one granddaughter, one step-son, one step-grandson, this prize will help me out a lot. I would love to win this prize and get that Chrismas shopping started.
Thank you,
I really want to have a laptop my kids all have one but Mom is still waiting.
My grandkids really want scooters for Christmas, and I would love to get them each one.
I would start Christmas shopping for my girls is I were lucky enough to win. I’m not sure what I would get but I do know one thing would be boots for both of them. Thank you for hosting this giveaway!
I’d probably use it for Christmas – but I’d love to get a new rug for the living room!
I’d start my Christmas shopping. Things are tight this year, so I need all the help I can get.
I would buy my husband some new shoes and my dog
Bailey a new dog bed and I would get some dog and cat
food and treats for the No Kill Animal Shelter in Marion,Indiana
Maybe also some toys for the dog and cats at the shelter
My car needs a good tune up and maybe some new tires for winter. (It’s coming sooner than we think)
Thanks for the contest.
I would love to put this towards buying a DSLR camera so I can use it in my photography class.
I’d like to buy supplies for my classroom. My students deserve it!
We need some new luggage.
You say it ends 9/27 like all the other contests, but your Rafflecopter is going to end it on 9/26????
I would love to get an ipod touch 4th generation for my little girl for christmas. She has been really good so far this year and really deserve to get one so that she can be like her older sibling
I would use the gift card to start my online Christmas shopping for my children.
I began shopping online for gifts five years or so ago and it makes life so much simpler.
I would love to win this. I would use it purchase tires before winter sets in.
great giveaway!
I would love to win and be able to buy my daughter her birthday present in November and also my three grandchildren share that month for birthdays. busy month LOL
If I one this giveaway I’d probably use it for a couple things. I am loooong overdue for an oil change and haven’t been able to afford it, so I’d definitely do that. I’d also probably do a little shopping and get some new work clothes. And a haircut! Definitely need one of those too!
*won. Oh my. It HAS been a long day.
If I would win the gift card I would use it towards buying Christmas gifts. I need to get gifts for my husband and my two children.
We bought a house last spring and have been making renovations as we have money. Right now we’re waiting on cabinet hardware before my husband can start making them. I’d buy them in a heartbeat!
If i win i will buy one smartphone with camera 8 Mpx,wireless b/g/n,Android or Windows Phone,i need one smartphone because i never have a smartphone!
I’d put it towards car repairs, need brakes and shocks.
If I won, I really should put it away towards something important like school or car… But I might end up buying shoes or makeup. 😉 haha
I am trying to save up to get my teen a flat screen TV for his room. He currently has an ancient, clunky one. Thanks so much for the chance and for all of your hard work!
The one thing I really want to buy if I won the visa gift card would be a PlayStation 4. It wouldn’t cover the entire cost but would go a long way in helping out!
I have been wanting a new lens for my Canon for awhile now and this gc would give me enough to get it. That would be awesome!
I would either save it for Christmas, or buy me some new shoes. Oddly enough, I have no shoes for the fall. My shoes died in a flood this summer so I’ve been flip floppin it.
I would love to buy a Kindle Fire for my daughter. Her birthday is coming up.
I’d probably spend it on groceries and I’d be thrilled with that. If I could splurge though I’d put it toward a nice camera or mixer or blender.
I’d use this to go shopping for myself. My wardrobe is in great need of being updated and this would be a big help to do it.
I would buy a new laptop. I seriously need one and the $200 would certainly put some bulk in my little savings toward one.
I’d buy a new windshield. Yep, ours cracked. Nope, our insurance doesn’t cover it. Thanks for the chance!
I would actually pay some bills
What I would like to buy if won the $200 Visa GC, is a new laptop for my husband as his current one was hacked into and crashed – and he really needs this in order to look and apply for work.
I missed the 2 to 4 sentence requirement. Sorry about that. I would probably pay some bills with it.
if i were lucky enough to win i would buy Christmas presents. i have three kids of my own to buy for this year and my brothers, sisters,mom, dad and in laws. it has become quite expensive and i love the opportunity to win things i can use as gifts.
It would go towards remodeling our house – probably a new window for the bathroom.
The one thing that I really want to buy if I win is a Cuisinart Ice Cream Maker! I have wanted one all Summer to be able to make Vegan Ice Cream. I would have money left over if I won, to also buy a blood pressure monitor, books, games, and DVDs that I’ve been wanting, all thanks to you and all the other bloggers!
I would purchase baby and nursery items for my daughter. She is expecting her first child next summer.
If I won I would buy my grandson a nice birthday present! He will be turning 4 next month and I would save the rest for Christmas shopping!
I would actually use either towards my daughters nursing books but if she has them then I would use towards my kids christmas presents or even a television on black friday
I would use it for Christmas shopping. We have three nephews and three nieces under the age of five, so that could take care of a toy and a book for each of them. We do not have children of our own, so those are the only ones we buy gifts for. We have six other nieces and nephews that are older, but they just get cash.
I have been trying to live a more healthier lifestyle. I think I would use the money to help purchase a treadmill or fitness bike or I might purchase a blender.
I would use the card ar CVS to purchase/pay for some of my monthly medications that I am unable to pay for every month. Somo months the disability check does not always cover all of my medical expenses. I usually have to sacrifice on or two of my prescriptions so I can purchase food.
Ladyblueeyez1960 (at)(aol)(dot)(com)
what could i use 200 on trips to see family who i havent seen in 20 plus years
I’d put the money towards a MUCH needed vacation with my loved ones. We are planning a big trip and every penny counts.
If I won, I would probably use this for some christmas shopping. And also for some household supplies. Perhaps a tank of gas too.
I’m going to be boring and admit that I’d put it towards bills… we’re still paying off last winter’s gas bill, and we’re already getting down into the 30s at night here. Brrr! $200 would get us almost caught up from last winter!
My cat is sick. So, I would use it for vet bills. 🙁
I would use it for travel expenses. My son is returning from deployment next month and I would use it for gas, etc.
I really want to buy my kids Christmas gifts
I’d like to win so that I can purchase a keyboard for my ipad that I found at verizon. ;)) Thanks for the chance.
I would probably buy a few CDs. The rest I would use to buy Christmas gifts later this year.
I would love, love, love to put this toward a plane ticket to visit some of my family!
I would love to buy a pair of boots for winter. I’ve always wanted some Riding Boots!
Unfortunately money is very tight this year so if I won I’d put half of it towards bills. I couldn’t justify NOT doing that. The other half I’d use to buy myself a couple pairs of jeans and a skirt, maybe a new shirt too. I dropped a couple sizes this year and while I can still wear my tops all my jeans and skirts are way too big. I definitely need some new stuff that fits. Thanks for the giveaway.
$200 can do a whole lot! Firstly, I would spend at least 25% on books. The rest would be used on something for my nephew – like an electronic device since he always wants my phone!
I would love to buy a new vacuum. Our vacuum is not working well. I could really use a new one with our heavy shedding cat.
I would love to get a Wii U. I’ve been wanted one since it came out, but it’s way too expensive! This would really cut the cost!
I don’t really need or want anything for myself. I would use it to buy Christmas presents for the grandkids
I would put it with my Christmas money stash. The holidays will be here before you know it.
I would buy some winter clothes. Also new shoes and a coat.
if i won. i’d love to buy my 3 sons Christmas presents, my hours got drastically cut at work, so this would go to them, thank you
If I won this I would spend some of the money on my boyfriends birthday gift, or christmas gift. I would love to be only to go over budget for something he really loves
I’m a college student, so all money goes to books, supplies and tuition. If I won, I could get some clothes, FINALLY, and buy some cute decorations for our apartment.
Ihave been wanting a new gps for a long time. This would help me get a nice one!
I really can use the card to put gas in my son’s car. He lost his job and I have been sending him gift cards to shell. so, winning a visa card would be nice for him for a few weeks. Unless of course I get the card and go shopping for winter boots!! HA!!